We are developing a new "Mini" Demo briefcase, see attached picture here. Size 365 mm x 260 mm x 145mm. Comes with two lights (low voltage), 1 heater/Fan/Airconditioner, KP04, DP03 (not mounted), Scene Control Switch
There are two doors with magnetic contacts which can be opened and closed with handles which may be dificult to see in the photo
This enables the basic features of Comfort to be demonstrated, and can be expanded with more modules. It can also be used as a training tool, for testing new programs
The power supply will be a universal adaptor so within the briefcase will be low voltage only
We are still making some improvements
Attachment: 100_1252 small.jpg (Downloaded 57 times) Last edited on Friday Jun 15th, 2007 09:37 am by slychiu