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Raspberry PI flows
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 Posted: Thursday Dec 28th, 2023 01:06 pm
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UCM Pi Users

Joined: Thursday Sep 15th, 2011
Location: Greater London, United Kingdom
Posts: 369

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Hi guys,Im stuck on a little project with Node-Red & R-PI I have created a prescene detector using the wifi and my phone once it goes out of distance then you can programme it to do whatever.
The issue I have is that I want it to be able to do it so that I can use multiple static Ip address so that the last person out with their phone will automaticaly turn the alarm on and first person back will turn alarm off ect anyone know how to do a flow for that.
Also has anyone got the flow for lightwaveRF I used to have it but cannot recall the guys name who gave it to me (everything to wiped when the R-PI went down) since slack group closed.

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