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Siri and Node-Red integration
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 Posted: Monday Apr 1st, 2019 11:50 am
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Joined: Monday Jul 16th, 2007
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this is a brief how to about to integrate Siri and Node-Red into a Comfort alarm system.
This is not a detailed instruction on how to do all the things, i'll simply explain you that this is possible and relatively easy, if you know Node-Red and if your passion is the technology.

Dual way communication between Comfort and Node-Red
Dual way communication between Comfort and Siri
Arm Away, Arm Night and disarm Comfort via Siri and Node-Red
Check all Comfort's connected sensors (doors, windows, garages etc...) via Siri/Home App
Receive notification on your iphone when sensors are triggered or alarm are fired.
Fully integrate Comfort into Node-Red to do advanced logic and to sync Comfort's date/time.

You need:
Comfort panel (obviously)
iPhone/iPad/Mac or any other Apple device capable of using Apple Home App and Siri.
Node-Red installed on a RasperryPI, for example.
A standard KNX to ETH router (any).

I'm using Comfort since over than 10 years and it works absolutely flawlessy.
I'm a tech passionate with deep knowing in software programming (that's my job).
Firstly, i developed a c# app to connect Comfort to this wonderful UI called You can view a screenshot here:

What next? Map Comfort Zones to UCM/KNX
Map KNX to Comfort and Comfort to KNX zones, so we can then access these Zones/Keypad via Konnex and Node-Red

What next? Node-Red
Do you know Node-Red? It's a fantastic piece of software, capable of runninbg on any Linux or Raspberry machine. Go and take a look of it.
It includes a plug-in system. You can integrate KNX and Homekit (Siri) plugin in it.
Wonderful. I used it and i created a "flow" (piece of .js software) that connect Node-Red to KNX and Homekit.
"Antifurto" in orange, is the Homekit (Siri) device, in this case, the Comfort arm/disarm device; the green things are the KNX devices (mapped via UCM/KNX) to Comfort and controlled via the KNX to Ethernet Router. The other salmon-orange boxes are the logic functions, wrote in Javascript. The other blue boxes are there only for debugging pourposes.
You can add every comfort's zone to a different Homekit device, for example, you can map doors, windows etc.. to each Homekit device you need to control with.

What next? Open the Home App and add the devices as normal
You need then to open the Home App and add all the zones/Alarm. You can now control all with Siri and receive notification when a door or window is opened, or an alarm as triggered.
You can disarm the system or control Comfort's output relays.
Here some shots (taken via Home App for Mac):

Zones (garages and front door)

Alarm system

Hope you enjoy my work.
As already states, this is not an how-to tutorial, because the entire process involves techy steps, it's just to show you, what you can do wit Comfort alarm system!


Attachment: Casa 4.png (Downloaded 40 times)

Last edited on Monday Apr 1st, 2019 11:57 am by TheMax74

 Posted: Monday Apr 1st, 2019 01:08 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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That looks womderful!
I have some questions
Firstly, i developed a c# app to connect Comfort to this wonderful UI called

How does the app connect to smartVisu or Comfort?
How is the Raspberry pi connected? Does is talk to KNX or to Comfort directly?
Is SmartVisu a KNX UI?

 Posted: Monday Apr 1st, 2019 01:15 pm
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Joined: Monday Jul 16th, 2007
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Hi Chiu,
The c# app act as bridge between KNX and Smartvisu web socket.
Raspberry talks via KNX as well.
Smartvisu is a KNX UI, but doesn't works independently. It needs a Home Automation software to talk with, in order to work.
KNX is the backbone of all my stuffs, in order to make a sort of communication standard.

Last edited on Monday Apr 1st, 2019 01:16 pm by TheMax74

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