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Initial Beta Release
 Moderated by: mattbrain, benstinton
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 Posted: Sunday Jul 22nd, 2018 09:31 am
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UCM Pi Users

Joined: Tuesday Jun 12th, 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 185

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Hi Guys

Thank you so much for your patience. I am really pleased to announce the initial beta release will be available shortly, and I'll be sending emails out to everyone who has expressed an interest with an invitation to reserve a unit.

This initial beta will have the following features:

* Node Red Base with Comfort Zones, Outputs, Flags, Counters, Alarm Control, Alarm State, Sensors, Responses and UCM Health.
* Remote Access to Node Red & Dashboard via cloud service
* MQTT / Webhook triggering via cloud service
* UCM/Eth emulation and monitor ports

In order to get this first Beta going, I would like to pre-build the CM3's for testers, so would like to restrict it to UK testers only. We will extend it out worldwide once we have got some initial feedback.

The costs are expected to be £200 + CM3 + Shipping (total approx £245) which is a 20% discount on the retail price.

If you are interested, please let me know by responding to the email with the necessary information,

Thanks again,


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