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Pre-emptive Smoke Sensor query
 Moderated by: slychiu, Home
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 Posted: Tuesday Nov 7th, 2017 03:03 am
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Hi, I have a Comfort system installed and working with normal alarm sensors and single Heat&Smoke sensor centrally placed in the house.  When I originally installed it I tested all the zones including using the test button on the fire sensor.

Fortunately the fire sensor has never triggered in a real situation so far. However, something occurred to me today... it is a 24 hour zone. So, what will happen if say we have a very smoky cooking session and the smoke manages to drift through the house to the sensor (very unlikely, but theoretically possible). The sensor will trigger a fire alarm. If we then 'cancel' the alarm by entering a user code on the keypad, will Comfort continually re-trigger the fire alarm until the smoke eventually clears from the sensor?

The sensor is connected in non-latched "auto reset" mode and the docs say it resets when the smoke has gone. So, I assume the sensor will permanently stay in 'alarm' mode until clear. Even in latch mode, that just tells it to say in 'alarm' state until power is removed, so even then if the smoke is still present it would trigger again.

So, in addition to my question above - If Comfort would keep re-triggering, how can I avoid this - e.g. force it silent for a period, or something like that?  I want to avoid the situation where I'm at work and I receive a phone call from home telling me they can't silence the alarm because the overzealous cooking smoke hasn't yet cleared.  That would NOT go down well.

Will I be able to set a flag when the fire zone triggers and then AFTER the user signs in and acknowledges it, maybe use a Timer for say 30 minutes to prevent that zone re-triggering, or is it impossible to disable fire zones in that way (as I vaguely recall reading somewhere in the docs)?

 Posted: Tuesday Nov 7th, 2017 07:16 am
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If the smoke sensor resets itself after the smoke clears, and new smoke comes in it will trigger the smoke alarm again

If the smoke does not clear and the sensor remains triggered, it will not trigger an alarm, again after ithe alarm has been disarmed
Only a retriigger will cause a new alarm

I suggest you use the latched mode to prevent a recurring alarm. The smoke alarm will not activate again until ythre detector is reset by cycling power using S12V programmable output

 Posted: Tuesday Nov 7th, 2017 01:58 pm
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Ok, I may change to latched mode but at least for now I know that Comfort won't re-trigger as long as the sensors stays triggered (i.e. until the smoke clears).

Thanks as always for your very prompt replies!

 Posted: Saturday Jan 27th, 2018 11:56 am
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Last edited on Saturday Jan 27th, 2018 01:02 pm by slychiu

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