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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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HIO Firmware 7.023 supports the new 5V CPU
Previous versions 7.00x were for the 3.3V CPU which has been superceded

  1. Added 3 more Master scenes (ie. Total 4 Master scenes now).
  2. Added new sequence scene function.  With each pressed, a different scene is activated, starting from scene 1 to 4 and back to scene 1.
  3. Added new 1-button Blinds function with 2 outputs.  The first output is for Up direction and the second output is for down direction.
  4. Fixed temperature reading giving 255 (FFh) for some boards, when TS input is shorted to ground. Correct reading is 100 (64h).


Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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HIO Firmware 7.024 Changes
  • Ignore Master Switch Setting and all operations are permanently set to “Master On scene” mode.
  • Support for Normally Open (NO) settings of Room and Toilet PIR operations.
  • Improved shutdown operation.  At the end of shutdown period, a final status check is done Room and Toilet PIR.  If either is ON, room shutdown is aborted.  This caters for long “ON” pulse PIR.
  • Improved handling for primary and secondary relay shutdown, in cases where no primary or/and secondary relay setup.
  • Improved room occupancy sensing criteria to activate.  Previously, if no Room PIR in channel, this function is not enabled.  Now it includes Toilet PIR as well.
  • Changed  the behaviour after keycard is removed, lights are not switched off if PIR status is on.

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