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UCM/GSM4 over 3G network
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 Posted: Sunday Jan 1st, 2017 08:53 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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The new model of UCM/GSM4 module which works on the 3G network is now available, model number UCM/GSM4(3G).

This is necessary in countries where the 2G network has been shut down, like Singapore and Australia, with other countries perhaps following suit in a few years
Even where the 2G network is available, there are several advantages to UCM/GSM4(3G).
  • Some 3G Sim card plans may actually be cheaper for network providers  which do not support 2G
  • Dialing to Central Monitoring Stations via 3G GSM is reliable compared to 2G. 2G dial out to Central Monitoring stations does not work reliably over 2G GSM because of speed and delays over the network, but this is not a problem for 3G
  • Higher security for 3G over 2G because of encryption, reduced chances of impersonation.
The 2G UCM/GSM4 with 2G is renamed UCM/GSM4(2G)

The UCM/GSM4 Manual has been revised to include 2G and 3G models and can be downloaded from

UCM/GSM4 firmware 7.097 supports both UCM/GSM4(2G) and UCM/GSM4 (3G)
Comfigurator should be updated to Comfigurator 3.11.10
UCM/GSM4 Firmware must be updated to the min 7.047 and above

UCM/GSM4(3G) costs more than the UCM/GSM4(2) because of the 3G module

If the GSM4 submodule is replacing an older GSM module , make sure that the Base UCM has a U2 EEPROM (24LC256)

Last edited on Tuesday Jul 11th, 2017 07:51 am by slychiu

 Posted: Monday Jan 16th, 2017 01:11 am
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Is it possible to force a specific mode? If somebody purchased the GSM4(3G) can they make it act like a GSM4(2G)?

I know of several locations where the 3G signal is terrible but the 2G signal is strong. The 3G signal however isn't bad enough for a phone to want to switch to 2G.

 Posted: Monday Jan 16th, 2017 07:25 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Good question
The UCM/GSM4(3G) specs include Quad-Band GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900MHz which is 2G so if it is unable to get a 3G signal, it will fall back to 2G automatically

However you say the 3G signal may not be bad enough for a phone to switch to 2G, it is not able to force operation in 2G. In such situations, it is better to use the 2G model, since the location would be fixed.

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