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entering counter values via app ?
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 Posted: Sunday Feb 28th, 2016 05:43 pm
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Just trying to figure out how best to do the above, for example, I want to e able to enter temperature values for my thermostat to tell comort when to kick in the heating etc. Is it possbile to enter numerical values via the app ? If not, any suggestions on how best to do this ?
Ok, what I have done is have a couple of responses as follows
1) Set temp to 18 deg C2) Increment counter vlaue by 13) Decrease couner value by 1

That pretty much gives me the ability to set to realistic values via the app.
Sorry for asking and answering my own question.
Still haveing problems getting comfort to report temp levels in degrees c which is what the temperaature function seems to require!!

Last edited on Monday Feb 29th, 2016 12:21 am by wexfordman

 Current time is 04:37 pm

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