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Unable to see Zone Names and Control Menu
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 Posted: Sunday Jul 12th, 2015 11:50 am
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If  you have followed the instructions in sending the email to your phone, and tapping the attachment in the email to "Open In Comfort" but cannot see the zone names in the Zones Page or the Control Menu in the Control Page, there may be several reasons for this
  1. Make sure you do not use a web mail as email which is accessed by browser, as that will not work properly. You should use an email client on the phone or tablet to open the email.
  2. Before opening the attachment on the email, close the app if it is running. If the app is already open this prevents the attachment from working correctly.
Does anyone have this problem?

 Posted: Thursday Jul 30th, 2015 01:48 pm
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When you make changes to the cclx file with the same name which has been already sent to the app, please delete the  earlier email with attachment.

Last edited on Thursday Aug 27th, 2015 04:59 pm by slychiu

 Posted: Thursday Aug 27th, 2015 05:06 pm
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Zone Name or Control Menu or Control Group names are blank

This may happen if you have entered text in "Alternative Phrase" but later deleted the text. If Alternative Phrase is empty, the Zone words or Control words are used in the Zone or Control menu words.  If there is text in Alternative Phrase, then that text is used instead.
But if you entered text in Alternative phrase and later deleted it, the empty phrase is still used as text in the zone or Control menu

The work-around is to enter text again in the Alternative Phrase so it is not empty

Hence the rule is ; if you enter text in alternative phrase, you should not delete the text - you can change the text to what you want.

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