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Comfort Android Phone App (1stGeneration)
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 Posted: Saturday Dec 29th, 2012 08:05 am
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The Comfort App for Android Phones is now available from the Google Play Store.

The 1st generation Comfort Android App has been removed from Google Play Store. It has been replaced by the 2nd Generation Android Phone and Tablet apps, see

Equipment Requirements:
  • CP9000 Controller Firmware version
  • UCM/ETH02 Firmware Version
  • Minimum Android OS 2.3
  • Comfigurator Software 3.6.3 and above
  1. Connect to multiple Comfort systems
  2. Arm and Disarm Security System using user codes with  Security Mode status
  3. See Zone Status in Real Time
  4. Trouble Status - Phone Trouble, RS485 Communication Failure, Power Failure, Low Battery, Zone Trouble
  5. Alarms Status
  6. Control Lighting and Appliances and see status
  7. View up to IP Cameras
  8. Connect via Remote (Internet) or Local (LAN)
  9. Import configuration file into Phone - no programming required
Setting up UCM/ETH02
Read the instructions at to set up the UCM/ETH02 with an IP Address and Port
The "Connection Timeout" in the DS Manager software determines the idle time-out value in minutes (default 2 minutes). If the communications to and from Comfort is idle for this period, the app is logged out (disconnected) and there will be a message
"You Have been Logged Out". You will go back to the login screen to log in again

Setting Up your Android Phone
You must ensure that your Phone is connected to the correct WiFi network ie the same as your Comfort  UCM/Eth02. If you connect to the wrong network you will not only fail to connect but will experience temporary lack of response from the App while it tries to connect to a system that is not there.

By connecting your Comfort system to a WiFi network you are potentially opening up a security vulnerability. Ensure that your Wifi network uses the highest level of  security which is appropriate. Accessing Comfort from the Internet exposes the system to additional vulnerabilities.

Importing your cclx file
The zones and Control Menu programmed by Comfigurator are saved as a .cclx file.
The IP Addresses for Local and Internet are also taken from the cclx file.
This information is exported into the Comfort app using  a web link.
Go to on your browser

Enter your name in the first box
Enter an email address that you can access on your phone. This must be an  email client and not a webmail using a browser
Browse to select  your cclx file
Select Android as Target.
The iPhone button is meant for the iPhone app

Press UPLOAD FILE when done.

Next, open the email app on your android phone and read the email with the title  "Comfort Conversion Service"
Please use an email client on your iPhone and NOT a webmail service using a browser

Also forwarding the jrlccip file to another phone may not work in some phones. The zones and Control menu is not seen in such cases

Always use the link

Further Instructions are in the next post

In the screenshots in the following posts, there will be different systems displayed in Green eg "Home",  "Office", "Dollhouse" because the screenshots were taken from logging in to several Comfort systems

Last edited on Saturday Aug 9th, 2014 12:24 pm by ident

 Posted: Saturday Dec 29th, 2012 08:59 am
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Check your email with the subject "Comfort Conversion Service"
Do not read the email using webmail as it would not work. The email must be downloaded  to your phone

There is an attachment file with the extension .jrlccip eg myhome.jrlccip This is the same name as your cclx file except the extension is changed to jrlcccip

Open the attachment by tapping on it.
There will be a pop up box
"Open in Comfort"
and "Select Configuration to Use"

eg Home

To review the configuration Press and Hold one of the selections and select EDIT

The Name is for identification eg Home or Office as you may have more than 1 Comfort system

The Internet and LAN IP addresses should be automatically filled up from the jrlccip file
Select Internet or LAN depending on whether the UCM/ETH02 is connected to the same LAN or if the connection is via the Internet

The connections for the IP Camera is below.

The selections are URL, Pro or Basic
URL may not work for IP cameras in most Android devices currently

The selections PRO or BASIC select either IP Cam Viewer Basic (free) or Pro (Pro) which is a 3rd party application for IP cameras which support hundreds of IP camera brands. You will be prompted to download the appropriate app from Google Play Store when you go to the cameras page
Press Update or the back button to return to the select Config page

Select the configuration if there is  more than one, eg Home, Office

You should see the Login page as in the screenshot below

The system name is shown in green eg Home in the above screenshot
Notice the "Connected" status above the Name. This means the app is connected to Comfort. This means you can enter the user code and press SEND

Also notice the wifi symbol on the top left. This shows the system is able to connect
If a key symbol is seen that means the connection may not be correct. Check that the Internet/LAN selection is correct

After entering the user code and SEND, the status will change momentarily to "Logging in". If the connection is slow the "logging in status" may remain for a few seconds.

If the code is correct, the Keypad page will be shown

If the user code is incorrect, "Invalid Login" will be seen. Enter the correct code to log in
The status "Not Connected" may be seen when the system has logged you out due to time-out. Just enter your user code to  log in

If there is no activity for a period determined by the "Connection Timeout" setting in the UCM/ETH02 DS Manager software, the app is logged out (disconnected) and there will be a message
"You Have been Logged Out". You will go back to the login screen to log in again
This is for security purposes to prevent someone from using your phone after it has been logged in and left around

Last edited on Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 08:33 am by ident

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 03:40 am
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After logging in you should see the keypad page

The indicators at the bottom, "Disarmed", Armed", "Power", "Message" are identical to the LEDs on the Comfort keypad.
The Disarmed Green led is shown lighted above  to indicate that the system is disarmed
To arm the system, press one of the keys "Away" Night", or "Day" just as on the physical keypad. Away Mode means everyone is leaving the premises, and the entry door must be opened and closed. Arm to Night and Day Mode when people are still remaining in the premises

If the connection is by "Internet" instead of "LAN", a window will popup asking for your user code again as extra security

This will not appear if the connection is by LAN

If any windows and doors are open, they will be shown above the keypad

When the doors or windows are closed "Please Exit" will be seen if the connection is local ie LAN, with a count down of the time remaining

If the connection is "Internet" ie remote, there will not be a count down, and the system will arm immediately

You can also "Force-arm" the system (provided the settings allow you to do so) by pressing the # key if any zone is open. This automatically bypasses all open zones until they are closed again allowing you to arm the system

When armed, the status can be seen on the keypad

The Armed red LED turns on and the Lock (Away) button on the top right will flash indicating Away Mode if the system is armed to Away. The Night (moon) and Day (sun) buttons will similarly flash if armed to these modes

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 03:52 am
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If the system is armed and the entry door is opened, it will start an entry delay. On the phone, the entry time will show a count down

To disarm the system, enter your user code and # key

If there is an Intruder, Panic, Tamper, Trouble  or any other alarm, this will be shown above the keypad in Red letters
The screenshot below shows an example, of Phone Trouble alarm

Last edited on Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 03:56 am by ident

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 07:33 am
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The main keypad screen has 3 buttons at the bottom; Monitor, Control and Cameras

The Monitor Page has 4 tabs; Zones, Troible, Alarms, Info as shown below

The main Monitor page shows the Zones Status. Red X icon means the zone is Closed (or OFF) and Green (circle) icon means the zone is Open (ON)
Note that if the jrlccip file supplies the zones information so if the file is not opened by tapping on the email attachment as described in the first post, this page will be blank.

Any doors, window, motion detectors or other zones open or close will be seen in real time on this page

The Trouble Page (tap on 2nd icon on top of screen) shows the state of the Trouble Alarms if any. This includes Comms (RS485) Failure, Phone Trouble, GSM Trouble, AC Failure, Low Battery, Zone Trouble, Tamper

The Alarms tab shows the state of alarms recorded while the app is active

Last edited on Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 07:42 am by ident

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 08:05 am
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Control Tab
From the main Keypad page, press the Control Button to go into the Control Page

Here you will see the Control Groups (max 6) which have been programmed using Comfigurator, eg Lights, Heating, Aircons, Blinds

Each Control Group has a maximum of 10 Control Keys or appliances

eg Under the Lights Group, you may have Bedroom Lights, Living Room Lights, Study Lights etc, and in the Blinds Group there may be Dining Room blinds, TV Room Blinds, Bedroom Blinds etc.
The screenshot below shows the control keys within one of the groups eg Lighting
The real time state of the appliances are shown as ON (Green circle) or OFF (Red X), or in the case of dimming, as a number from 1 to 254

Note that if the jrlccip file has not been imported, the Control Page will be blank

It may take up to 20 seconds in a large system to update the initial status of the devices. The initial status is shown as a different gray icon with "wait" text as shown above. Once the real status is obtained it will change to the correct icon. This allows you to know when the status is updated

Any changes in the status of appliances or lights will be updated almost immediately

To control a device in the list, tap on the item
This will select the device and go to the next page of actions where you can select "On", "Off" or other commands that were programmed in the cclx file

The status of the device can be seen by pressing the back button

Last edited on Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 09:17 am by ident

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 08:17 am
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From the main Keypad page, press the Cameras button to go to the camera page

In Edit Configuration, the method of accessing cameras is entered

The selection is URL, Pro or Basic

URL means the IP camera is viewed using the default browser by its IP address and port. Do not use this method as it does not work well on Android browsers at present

Basic and Pro selects either the Free or Paid version of the IPCam Viewer app.
When you go to the camera page, the selected app will be launched, and if the app is not installed, you will be redirected to Google Play to Install the app.
The IPCam app includes many hundreds of the most popular IP cameras, and is updated regularly by the app developer.

Once it is installed then you can manage the IP cameras using that app and you will be able to select any IP camera in the list

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 08:27 am
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Logging Out

To log out, go to the main Keypad page and press the wifi icon on the top left
A popup box will ask "Do you really want to log out?"
Press OK to confirm.

After log out, pressing the wifi icon again will bring you to the configuration page where you can select a system or select Internet or LAN connection

The app will log you out if it is idle for 2 minutes without any  commands sent to Comfort or any status changes from Comfort (depending on the setting of Connection Timeout in DS Manager). This is a security measure for protection against unauthorised usage in case someone gets hold of your phone which was already  logged in. A popup box will say "You have Been Logged out"

If you go to another app or to Home, this does not log you out (unlike the iPhone app)
You are only logged out by pressing the wifi icon or by idle time-out

Connection Problems
If the key is seen instead of the wifi symbol on the top left, it means that the app is not able to connect to Comfort. This may be because of the wrong IP address or port or the wring selection of Internet or LAN. Correct the settings accordingly and try again

If you always get the message "Connection Attempt In Progress, please wait"  and then "Cannot open connection to host", try force closing the application and try again

Last edited on Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 08:41 am by ident

 Posted: Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 09:03 am
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The Comfort Android app for phones can now be found on Google Play store

or on your android device, search for Cytech Comfort

This can also be used on Tablets but with vertical orientation
A separate Tablet app will be available later

Last edited on Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 09:14 am by ident

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