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Android Tablet App 1.85/ Phone app 1.02 Beta
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 Posted: Saturday Aug 25th, 2012 09:11 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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The Android app for Tablets 1.85 and Android Phone app 1.02 are now available for testing. Please download the zip files from and unzip as .apk files, then open the .apk file in your Android phone or tablet

The changes are:
  1. Various bugs have been fixed
  2. The Back Button  does not cause the app to hang, but it still does not exit from the application
  3. The IP cameras can be viewed.  see instructions below
Known Issues
  1. The back button does not exit from the application
  2. In Configuration/setup page, the Update/Revert buttons do not appear  until the Internet /LAN radio button is changed
Viewing IP Cameras
We have decided to alow users to link to a well proven app for the IP viewing function, namely  IP Viewer Basic (free) and IP Viewer Pro (paid) by Robert Chou. This was awarded best software in 2011 in the Utilties category and supports more than 800 brands.models of IP and network cameras.
The paid Pro version has more features including listening and recording
In the setup/Configuration page, you can select from
  1. URL (does not work for most cameras)
  2. Pro
  3. Basic
If you select Pro or Basic and then go to the cameras page and if the app is not installed, you will be taken to GooglePlay to download or buy the app.
You will have to set up the IP addresses for the cameras in the IP Viewer app

When you go to  the cameras page, the Comfort app is logged out, and when you go back you will have to log in again
The next version will allow you to re-enter the Comfort app without logging back in.

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