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SCS Firmware 2.000
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 Posted: Saturday Jan 21st, 2012 03:15 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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Version 2.000 – 13 April 2006
  1. Remove request for temperature unit command, as it is no longer needed This is because the temperature value sent is always in Fahrenheit. Previous version does not convert negative Celsius correctly. Also it does not take care of situations when there is overflow  (i.e. exceed 255 Fahrenheit).
  2. Temperature is scanned at every 4 seconds.
  3. Added CRC for temperature sensor
  4. Modified for new hardware that  caters for 2, 4, 6, 8-ways inputs and outputs. The new hardware uses matrix scanning for inputs. This applies to ID setting and configurations setting as well. There is a delicated port to cater for IR receiver, not like the previous model.
  5. The LED outputs are periodically refreshed for energy conservation.
  6. Changed the time to reply for RS485 communication to 10 ms, to adhere to specifications.

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