View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Monday Oct 12th, 2009 02:18 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Please read the UCM Manual with the new section on Vocabulary Upgrading before attempting to upgrade the vocabulary on Comfort.
You can corrupt the voice on Comfort if this is not done carefullyPlease note that the Vocab upgrade erases all recorded messages eg Reminders, Alarm Voice messages, names, greeting messages, so they need to be re-recorded aftyer taht see

Before starting it is recommended to disconnect all slaves,  and  RIOs (This may not be needed with the latest Comfort and SEM firmware installed)

If using UCM/ETH03, you should upgrade the ETH03 Firmware to 2.23UCM/ETH02 cannot be used to upgrade vocabulary

Use Comfigurator 3.9.x or later, go to Transfer Menu > Vocab Upgrade...

There is a message "Do Not continue unless advised by Cytech ... etc"
Press OK

Comfigurator will select  vocab files  in Comfiguratorconfig folder

The vocab files are supplied with Comfigurator 3.9 and above

The english vocab file is myma37.bin
then and select the unzipped mymaxx.bin file which
This starts the Vocabulary upgrade process which takes about 20+ minutes

Do not interrupt the transfer. If there is any error, repeat the procedure

There are 3 parts to the process
  1. Vocabulary Upgrade - This takes the longest time, about 15 minutes. There will be keypad beeping at certain times and the process may seem to halt at other times
  2. Sentence upgrade - This follows automatically after vocab upgrade and takes about 5 minutes. If the Sentence upgrade fails, you can repeat just the sentence upgrade without the full Vocab upgrade. Go to Transfer >  Sentence Table Upgrade and select the same bin file as the full upgrade.
  3. Keypad Text Upgrade - This transfers the text data to the LCD Keypads KP04 KP05, KP06 and follows automatically after Sentence Upgrade

During the process there will be beeping on the keypads at certain times and the transfer process may seem to halt for a while. This is completely normal. Do not interrupt unless nothing has happened for at least 20 minutes

If there is a failure during sentence upgrade part of the Vocabulary upgrade as shown below, just repeat the sentence upgrade only (Transfer > Sentence Table Upgrade and select the same bin file)

Please note the Vocabulary Upgrading will erase all Messages, Greeting message, recorded Names, Reminder Messages, and Alarm Voice messages on Comfort.

Various language files can also be downoaded from

Last edited on Tuesday Apr 18th, 2023 01:46 am by slychiu

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