View single post by admin
 Posted: Friday Mar 6th, 2009 10:58 am
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Joined: Saturday Mar 3rd, 2007
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We have some non Rako lights etc. that need control and Comfort would be great for this.
Since you have non-Rako lights, you dont need a Rako UCM

To clarify, Comfort is able to control Rako, the UCM05 can be used to send commands to Rako. You can define a UCM as Rako, and this allows the Response Wizard to define Rako Commands to sent to the UCM05 connected to Rako

What we do not have at the moment is a two way interface like for Cbus and KNX but you often do not need that

B&S developed a plug in board for the UCM05 which provides a two way interface to Lutron in only 3 days, which is much faster than we could do it. You should contact Jon Mellor

Attachment: rakoucm.jpg (Downloaded 48 times)

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