View single post by darnold
 Posted: Saturday Jul 20th, 2024 11:00 am
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Joined: Thursday Feb 26th, 2009
Location: United Kingdom
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Well I installed a brand new DM02 and have the same problem.  If I execute the command "Open Door 1 1 10" after a few seconds it causes a Communication Failure and the system to reset.
I have tried everything I can think of including running the DM02 off UCM01 only or with only the UCM02 connected, removing the keypad from the system, changing and rewriting the location of the Response, changing the response itself, using Door 2 instead of Door 1, executing the response without a DM02 connected at all, etc.
I am stumped as to why this worked for years and now it does not.  I really need to figure this out but am at a loss as what to do next.     

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