View single post by rodime
 Posted: Wednesday Feb 7th, 2024 10:08 pm
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Joined: Sunday Nov 5th, 2006
Location: Kingston Upon Thames, United Kingdom
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Old KT01 here again :). I'm determined to keep this thing alive!

I've managed to update it for an irrigation upgrade, added an additional irrigation zone and some additional action buttons, all working well.

However, both before the upgrade and now, I can't hear any announcements from the KT01 panel itself eg announcing irrigation zone status, although I can hear them on the one other KT04 keypad on the first floor. Key press beeps are perfectly audible, so I don't think its a speaker issue.

All voice and mic connections are sound.

Any ideas?

PS Although audible on the KT04, announcements are somewhat muffled, maybe a speaker issue but perhaps worth noting.

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