View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Tuesday Aug 31st, 2021 02:36 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Comfigurator does not allow you to make a zone virtual. You are not allowed to directly change the zone to Virtual in the Zone Settings as that would probably cause a lot of problems. 
The only way to remove the Virtual Setting now that you have edited the Action Code is to edit the cclx file manually using a text editor.


    <Zone Number="1" Name="Z01-Start_Stop" ZoneTypeName="SwitchNO" EntryPath="true" Restore="false" Partition="0" Eol="NoEol" VirtualInput="true" Announce="false" OnResponseName="TurnON" OffResponseName="TurnOFF" />
Change Virtual Input="false" for the zone. Make sure you backup a cpioy of yhe cclx file before you attempt this

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