View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday May 7th, 2020 03:47 am
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The Comfort Bus Monitor is a diagnostic tool that displays all the communications on the Comfort RS485 Bus. This is useful when troubleshooting communication or operation related problems.
Comfort Bus Monitor is included in Comfigurator
In Comfigurator, go to Tools and select Bus Monitor. 
You will be asked to enter the user code.

The Bus Monitor Screen will appear
The Port field shows the UCM Connection. In this examole Network Remote means the connection used is Network Remote in Comfigurator Options > Settings
There are 2 buttons: Start and Bus Analyse
Press the Start button. You will be asked to enter your Comforty sign in code

After the connection is done, the screen will display the communications on the Comfort Bus with a description of each line. Press the Halt button to halt the monitpr. Press Save All to save to a text file which can be sent to to support troubleshooting.
The boxes "Show ID" is for entering specific IDs as filters so that only the IDs entered are monitored.
In this mode the normal polling and reply messages are not shown, only the messages with content are shownIf the "Bus Analyse " button is pressed instead, all messages inclduing polling and replies are shown. This mode is useful for diagnosing communication related problems like bus collisions and conflicts.

NoteWhen using the Bus Monitor with ETH03, exit from Bus monitor may sometimes  not work correctly. It may be necessary to reset the ETH03 module by pressing the UCM reset button

Last edited on Tuesday Jan 19th, 2021 01:18 am by slychiu

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