View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Tuesday Apr 14th, 2020 07:10 am
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The UCMs (UCM/USB, UCM/ETH03) have an EEPROM that is used for backing up of the configuration in the Comfort controller.
This is useful when the configuration has been corrupted. It also backs up the user codes so when the user has forgotten the user and or engineer codes this can be used to restore the codes.
Comfigurator 3.13.1 has a function to write Comfort > UCM EEPROM and Read UCM EEPROM to Comfort in the Transfer Menu
This requires UCM Firmware 7.131 minimum.

Note: This does not apply to UCMs for Cbus, KNX, Modbus etc which are 3rd party interfaces

If the UCM is an old model that does not have an EEROM (in U2 socket) then an error message will be seen
Also if you are using the plug in ETH03 on the CM9001 PCB this is invalid because there is no backup EEPROM on the plug in eth03 submodule

Write Comfort to UCM EEPROM takes several minutes. The progress bar is seen as shown below

Transfer UCM/EEPROM to Comfort will read from the UCM to Comfort to restore the saved configuration  including user codes
However the Event Log is nt saved or restored

Last edited on Tuesday Apr 14th, 2020 07:18 am by slychiu

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