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 Posted: Tuesday Dec 18th, 2018 07:48 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Jul 12th, 2006
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S12V WILL be required if you use a latching relay base....... Basically to 'unlatch' when activated.. If you use a latching base then you need a response ( triggered from a keypad shortcut key) to reset the smoke sensor.
Using the non latching base the sensor will reset itself every time it cycles its sensing.

by putting the resistors into the circuit you will in effect enable a 'zone trouble' alert should anything go amiss with the cabling or set up. I,m not familiar with the apollo set up but this may mean ( for example) that a zone trouble is triggered when the head is detached from the base!

In all of our servicing and maintenance of Comfort alarms I dont think ive ever seen anybody other than ourselves use EOL for smoke alarms but its a necessity.

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