View single post by Krobar
 Posted: Sunday Dec 16th, 2018 05:11 pm
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Joined: Saturday Oct 19th, 2013
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Swiss-Toni wrote: Is that a red wire going into the negative & where is the positive wire! looking at it does not look like this has been wired up with any power - + based on the colour of the cables that you have used and without a wiring diagram!

Thanks for the reply.
The red goes into "-" on the PCB, the black wires goes into "L1In", these 2 are connected to 12V power on the Comfort. The White and green wires go into "NC" and "C" on the PCB and these are connected to the zone input on the Comfort. I tested 3 of the detectors with canned smoke and none reacted at all. Any ideas on how this should be wired?

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