View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Sunday Oct 8th, 2017 11:53 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Comfigurator 3.12.1 introduces several new View Modes which reveals only the features that are relevant to the application, and hides other features and settings that are not needed. This is because Comfigurator has become quite powerful and complex over the years, and may be confusing to new users.

The Viewing Modes are;

  • Engineer Advanced - This is the full view with all features. This is the existing viewing mode
  • Engineer Simplified - This is a simplified mode which hides seldom used screens and features, applicable to Comfort CM9000
  • Automation - This hides the alarm related screens and features, applicable to LGX01 Logic Engine and UCM/Logic systems without alarm and voice
  • EMS (Environmental Monitoring System) - This is for the new Cytech Environmental Monitoring System application
  • User - This is for users which hides the engineer programming screens. This is an exiting Viewing mode
To select a Viewing Mode, go to View > Mode

Last edited on Sunday Oct 8th, 2017 12:23 pm by slychiu

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