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Comfort Automation/ Security System Forums > Support > Problems & Troubleshooting > Vocabulary Issues > flash memory capacity in ultra II and sentance switching for words

flash memory capacity in ultra II and sentance switching for words
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 Posted: Thursday May 2nd, 2013 05:56 am
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Joined: Tuesday Feb 1st, 2011
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I wish to switch out some words for full small sentences generated by a text to speech engine. The engine will create the necessary sound files to be switched manually.

What are the size limitations of the individual sound files (if any) and the total file size of a customized vocab pack. I don't want to create something that comfort cannot hold or operate.

The reason for using small sentences is to make often used phrases sound even more lifelike than would be the case if connecting words later by means of first, second, third word selection.

Last edited on Thursday May 2nd, 2013 09:26 am by lennyh

 Posted: Saturday May 11th, 2013 03:15 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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Sorry we missed your post
Comfort sentences are made up of individual words in wav files
The list of sentences defines what sentences are announced
To create the sentences, al the unique words which are required for all sentences must be recorded. To minimise the size of the voice file, the number of unique words must be minimised.

Hence if you use a full sentence instead of individual words, that increases the size of the vocab file. The words are compressed in order to fit into the vocab file. Due to the compression we do not know the exact uncompressed file size that is allowed

I suggest that you use the VoiceProc and VooicePlay software tools to define your vocabulary and process the files. If they do not fit, there will be an error message. download from

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