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Tewaking vocabulary woes
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 Posted: Wednesday Aug 1st, 2012 04:48 pm
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MJC Electronics

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About 4 years ago I tweaked the vocabulary files using Kate (either 26 or 28 I can't be sure now) to change some of the pre-defined words around as I needed some which weren't present by default.

Since then I got an error on downloading stating that there was a vocabulary mismatch but my downloads were fine on dismissing this message.

A few months ago my laptop hard disk was destroyed by an unfortunate incident involving a pint of vodka and Lilt so I've had to completely rebuild it onto a new disk.
My .cclx file was safe on the server, or so I thought.

On purchasing a shiny new KT03 this week I found myself in need of Comfigurator so I downloaded the latest version and installed it onto my laptop.
On loading my .cclx file I was greeted with a large exception message relating to vocabulary, and the file appeared not to load, leaving me with a fresh template.
After several attempts at loading I decided to look at the contents of the .cclx file in Notepad and was horrified to discover that the file was now indeed a blank fresh config file with none of my quite extensive programming.

OK, so I can download the configuration from Comfort and have to go through the task of recreating all of the friendly names for all the responses, flags etc. - a painful excercise but not the end of the world.
On running a full read from Comfort I get another Unhandled Exception, the critical part of which again refers to vocabulary. I need to sort out the vocabulary. I've been unable to just drop the files I used to use into the Comfigurator folder because I lost them along with the hard disk.
A couple of the words I wanted to swap were not done properly anyway so starting again is probably a good idea.

In the 4 years since I did the original vocabulary changes, the vocabulary files have changed by quite a few versions.
The current Kate 35 download only contains the .bin file and not everything needed to use Voiceproc.
The Myma download has all of the Voiceproc requirements, but the additional words I want to use are only available in badwidth limited highpass forms.

Can you please point me to somewhere where I can download the full set of files for both voices?

Are there any concise instructions for how to simply swap a few words out? The Voiceproc instructions are quite confusing as there's all the information for creating complete vocabularys in there. I seem to remember from the last time I tried this that I had to work out what to do through trial and error with help from some postings I found on here.



 Posted: Wednesday Aug 1st, 2012 10:39 pm
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MJC Electronics

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I guess I should add that I've managed to retrieve the configuration by doing selective downloads so apart from finishing fixing the names that's sorted.
I've just completed a full firmware upgrade this evening, so that should be the last time I have to run around with a spare UCM and a laptop.

As an example of what I'm trying to do, I need to swap out RUMPUS, MEZZANINE and CARPORCH and replace them with ANNEX, GYM and COURT (there's probably a couple more swaps I need to do too). All of these words are available just not in the default vocabulary build.

....oh and the title should be Tweaking, not Tewaking :?

Last edited on Wednesday Aug 1st, 2012 10:39 pm by MJC Electronics

 Posted: Friday Aug 3rd, 2012 05:23 am
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It should be quite simple to replace a few words in the Residential List
You need to add the wav files, modify the file to substitute the words

 Posted: Friday Aug 3rd, 2012 10:13 am
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MJC Electronics

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Is there a download link for the full Kate35 package?
The one on the Cytech site only had the .bin file.

The full download is available for Myma but the extra words are only available in highpass versions in that file. I'd like to use the full bandwidth .wav files if possible.
The .dat files are also only present for the default included words, and not for the extra ones. I guess I need them for Voiceproc to work properly.

Last edited on Friday Aug 3rd, 2012 10:52 am by MJC Electronics

 Posted: Saturday Aug 4th, 2012 04:05 am
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The files are very large
Send a private message with your email address and we will send a link

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