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SUC/SIS role in a network
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 Posted: Friday Jun 8th, 2012 03:36 pm
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I am just about to add an interface to my system which will take over as primary controller and as SUC/SIS device for the system.


1) Where a controller adopts the SUC/SIS role in a network, I understand that controllers with controller library version 1.53 or greater will become an inclusion controller. Is this the case with UCM zwave3 library 3.34, i.e. will it become an inclusion controller? If so, does this make any differnce to the instructions on creating including and replicating when virtual nodes are created?

2) Will the UCM ZWave3 device automatically query/ periodically check for any network updates from the SUC/SIS device?

Thanks in advance.

 Posted: Monday Jun 11th, 2012 02:53 am
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It is true that In Z-Wave, when a controller becomes a SIS/SUC, other secondary controllers can become inclusion controllers and thus be able to add and delete nodes in the system

However UCM/Zwave3 has not implemented that function, as it is unclear if there are many manufacturers whose controllers can adopt the SIS/SUC role.

This would impose more management complexity to the Ucm/zwave so we have opted not to implement it until such time that it is widely implemented among controllers

In the meantime inclusion has to be done by the primary controller or other inclusion controllers

 Posted: Monday Jun 11th, 2012 02:57 am
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Also UCM/Zwave does not automaticallly update the network from the Primary
It has to be done manually using the Learn Process

 Posted: Monday Jun 11th, 2012 11:13 am
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Okay and thanks for the information.

 Posted: Monday Jun 11th, 2012 09:04 pm
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I have an MK astral system and have just installed the LSI1 Astral Smart Interface Unit. It gives you no choice but on installation it takes the role of a ZWave SUC/SIS device in the network, and converts the existing primary controller into an inclusion controller.

Today I went to create two virtual nodes on my UCM Zwave3 device. Two problems encountered:

(1) The inclusion controller created the devices okay. However, there was no way to replicate/copy the network again as per page 18 of the UCM Manual. The inclusion controllers do not perform the EXC/ASC copy function. Furthermore the Astral Smart Interface SUC/SIS device has no facility for that either, as its manual states that "the manual replication process needed after adding or removing a device is no longer essential" as "with a SUC/SIS in the network all other devices will periodically check for network updates from the SUC/SIS".

(2) Two nodes were created, but with the node type = "basic" and not "virtual". I attach a screen pic of those. They are nodes 33 & 34. On query from the Astral Smart Interface they "failed to repond to some or all queries".

Two questions:

1) Any ideas on a work around?
2) How do you delete ucm zwave3 virtual nodes from the system?


Attachment: Virtual Node.jpg (Downloaded 38 times)

Last edited on Monday Jun 11th, 2012 09:22 pm by gaynorc

 Posted: Tuesday Jun 12th, 2012 09:51 am
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Some questions;
From the screen-shot, how do you know the highlighted node is virtual when you cannot "update" the network information for UCM/Z-Wave. 
Does it mean that you managed to do it?

Can you get the  UCM/Z-Wave properties tab screen-shot for the following information.
a)  UCM/Z-Wave version
b)  node ID
c)  module version

For your  questions,
  1. Including(learn) UCM/Z-Wave into same network again will update the network.
  2. to remove the virtual nodes, activate exclude function from controller and do "virtual node info - send" in Comfigurator.  Need to update the network again to confirm.
The Zwave manual 1.08 has been updated on the wesbite at which provides a better explanation on normal inclusion/exclusion

 Posted: Tuesday Jun 12th, 2012 01:28 pm
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Q1: "how do you know the highlighted node is virtual".
The two nodes referred to were not part of the system until I followed the procedure to create the two virtual nodes.
When the process was finished and the eeprom read these two "basic" nodes appeared.
So all I was trying to say was that instead of creating two virtual nodes, these basic nodes were created.

Q2: Screen print attached. ZWave UCM properties - UCM=6.019 / Z-Wave Module=3.34

On your answer: You say that sending the "virtual node information" after activating "Exc" would exclude "virtual nodes". As the two nodes that were created are classed as basic, and no such "send virtual node info" button exists on its panel, what other button would suffice? Would the "on" button do the same?

I will try using the other information you have given me later today.

Thanks again.

Attachment: UCM Zwave Properties.jpg (Downloaded 32 times)

 Posted: Wednesday Jun 13th, 2012 03:29 am
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Note that your UCM/Zwave Node id is shown as 36
Virtual nodes should be created after inclusion of the UCM/Zwave so the 2 virtual nodes should be higher than 36, but your mapping screen does not show any nodes higher than 36
What was your exact sequence?

 Posted: Wednesday Jun 13th, 2012 07:02 am
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The higher number for the UCM node may be explained by the fact that when I discovered the two "basic" nodes I started from scratch, as per manual instructions: i.e. I excluded the UCM Zwave, reset the UCM device, checked to ensure it was at factory defaut, and did included/learn again. The two "basic nodes" persisted with that status. The UCM Zwave device became node 36.

Hence my question how to delete the two "basic nodes" that were created. I proposed starting from scratch again if I could excluded these two node, and then trying once again to create two "virtual" nodes.

 Posted: Wednesday Jun 13th, 2012 08:27 am
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When you use the Inclusion Controller to create Virtual Nodes, you say that it does not allow you to Copy/Replicate the network to UCM/Zwave. However, you can  use the Learn Button on the UCM/Zwave to Replicate the network from the Primary or Inclusion Controller. Repeating the Learn process again also serves to replicate the Z-Wave network - it will not create a new node if it has been added before. (Note that for MK Astral controller, if you repeat the learn process, the red led may turn on but this is not a problem)

If you Exclude the UCM/Zwave without first excluding the Virtual Nodes, the virtual nodes will remain in the network but will appear as "Basic" nodes. They become "orphan" nodes. They cannot be removed by UCM/Zwave, but other Z-wave management software may have the capability to remove orphaned nodes.

When you re-learn the UCM/Zwave after removing it, then it will be added as a new node but the 2 previous virtual nodes will remain as basic nodes.
It appears that this is what happened to the 2 basic nodes that you see in your system.
The extra nodes will not affect the performance of the Zwave network except to appear in the list of nodes

You can either continue to add the new  virtual nodes and ignore the old basic nodes (and use the Learn button on UCM/Zwave to copy/replicate the network), or use the Primary controller to delete the whole network and start again. The UCM/Zwave should be RESET to default in this case., This would eliminate the orphan nodes from the system,

 Posted: Wednesday Jun 13th, 2012 08:48 am
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The UCM/Zwave manual has been amended to 2.09 which clarifies the repatetd use of Learn mode  is the same as replication

 Posted: Wednesday Jun 13th, 2012 08:54 am
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I am not entirley sure that answers the question. The two "basic nodes" appeared immediately after the creation process and before I reset the UCM device.

Okay, sometime in the next couple of days I will try to create a single virtual node using these updates instructions, record each step of the way, and report back.

Thanks again for all your help.

Last edited on Wednesday Jun 13th, 2012 09:00 am by gaynorc

 Posted: Thursday Jun 14th, 2012 10:01 pm
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This evening I followed the instructions on creating a virtual node using the advice you gave me.
The node was successfully created.
Associations to the node were created and a response to it was added and saved to eeprom.
It worked.

A new association was added, and the response modified.
I attempted to save once again to eeprom.
Error: “Invalid data in EEPROM. Please Learn Again”
Using learn and "inc" the network was learned again.
BUT: The node reverted from "virtual" to "basic", AND NOW CANNOT BE USED.

If you can PM me an e-mail address I will send word document with screen prints and more detail.

 Posted: Friday Jun 15th, 2012 02:54 am
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Please send all info inclduing the cclx file to

 Posted: Friday Jun 15th, 2012 06:53 am
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