Posted: Monday Jun 17th, 2013 03:42 pm |
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The UCM/GSM will send SMS messages in the event of any alarm, eg

For Intruder Alarm,
"101 ABC Lane - 01 Intruder Alarm - 03 Back Window"
The 1st field is Alphanumeric Text ID eg "101 ABC Lane" shows the identity or location of the system. It can be sent to 8 phones including the Installer who is monitoring the system
The 2nd field is the Alarm Name eg "Intruder Alarm". This is the name of the Alarm Type in Comfigurator. There are up to 31 Alarm Types in Comfigurator, which can be independently programmed to dial to a combination of 8 phone numbers.
The 3rd field is the zone name eg "03 Back Window " means zone 3 Back Window
The SMS message shows exactly what the alarm is and which zone activated the alarm
Other alarm messages include
"101 ABC Lane - 12 Fire Alarm - 16 Kitchen Heat Detector"
This shows that a fire alarm was caused by zone 16 Heat detector
"101 ABC Lane - 09 Panic Alarm - 07 Study Room Panic"
This shows that a Panic alarm was caused by the panic button in the Study (Zone 7)
"101 ABC Lane - 19 System Armed - Philip "
This means that Comfort was armed by Philip
"101 ABC Lane - 17 Disarm - Jane"
This means that the security system was disarmed (unset) by Jane
"101 ABC Lane - 24 Communications Failure - 66 Keypad 2"
This means that Keypad #2 lost communications with Comfort. This is a trouble alarm
"101 ABC Lane - 09 Power Failure - 001 Controller"
This means that a power failure occurred in the mains power connected to Comfort. This is a trouble alarm. The back up battery will be powering Comfort in the event of a power failure.
"101 ABC Lane - 09 Power Failure Restore - 001 Controller"
This means that power was restored after a power failure. Restoral of Trouble alarms will also cause SMS messages to be sent to the programmed phones.
"101 ABC Lane - 08 Low Battery - 33 Slave #1"
This means that Low battery was detected on Slave #1, perhaps due to a power failure. This is a trouble alarm
The above examples show how useful the SMS messages can be to a user or installer, as it can report not just full alarms but also arming/disarming events and Trouble alarms
Last edited on Sunday Dec 22nd, 2013 03:25 am by ident
Posted: Wednesday Nov 11th, 2015 05:13 pm |
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If the SMS sent by UCM/GSM4 is missing the alarms or zones information, this is because the zone names and alarm names have not been copied into the UCM/GSM4 configurator
Go to the GSM4 Tab in Modules, look at the Zone Names and Alarm Names Tab. These will probably be blank
Click on "Copy from Comfort" button.
This copies the zone and alarm names from Comfort. There will be a warning message that this will override any information that has been entered in these screens.

After Copying from Comfort, the zones and alarm names are copied from Comfort, e

NOTE:In the latest Comfigurator 3.10.x the Zone, Alarm and Control menu names are automatically copied to GSM4 when a GSM4 module is added or scanned so Copy from Comfort is not needed in the start. Pressing Copy to Comfort will still copy the names from Comfort to GSm4 and override any changes you have madeLast edited on Monday Dec 21st, 2015 09:49 am by slychiu
Posted: Monday Dec 21st, 2015 02:44 am |
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Can I change the default settings for what events send an SMS message?
For instance I really don't need an SMS notification when arming to night mode, since by definition I'm in the house, so I know it's just armed to night mode.. 99.99% of the time it will have been me that armed it.
Likewise when disarming, if it's *from* night mode to security off, again 99.99% likely I am at home, and I did it.
Since I'm using a PAYG SIM, every SMS message costs some money, so I'd like to have a choice to filter out events I don't need/want an SMS for.
Paul G.
Posted: Monday Dec 21st, 2015 09:46 am |
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See the attached screenshot to show how this can be donw
The System Armed Alarm Type (19) is where you have the settings to dial out to the phone numbers when you arm the system to any mode
In the Alarm Response, do a Limit Dialout to selected phones based on a condition ie Arm to Night ModeThis means that it will not dial out (or send SMS ) when armed to Night modeAttachment: ArmedDialout.JPG (Downloaded 17 times)