Do you plan to update the Action Reference Manual at some stage because as it was last updated 14 Nov 2007 so pretty old and missing some of the newer actions?
Last edited on Friday Feb 27th, 2009 06:23 pm by juwi_uk
The latest version of Action Codes 2.2.2 is updated. There are no new actions except for some corrections. This does not include the new Announce Degrees action as they have not been released yet
admin wrote: The latest version of Action Codes 2.2.2 is updated. There are no new actions except for some corrections. This does not include the new Announce Degrees action as they have not been released yet
OK, Thanks. Only problem was that it wasnt posted on the website then
1. Can we have a (return page no.)on the Manual History Area which page been revise & change on the manual rather then just advice what been change?
I think this is useful for people who print out the manual before & later on just base on the page no. return to print and update their hardcopy.
2. Do you plan to update Comfort Wiring Guide manual too as i think that is the most important info for people who want to start plan their wiring & hacking wall. Example : RIO module wiring is not mentioning here as it's new module.