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Connection problem with final Alphawerks setup stage
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 Posted: Saturday Apr 25th, 2020 02:40 pm
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I am trying to setup 2 CM3+ modules with NodeRed, will send one to a friend when setup and keep one myself. I followed the instructions in the UCM/Pi manual and managed to get the Raspbian image flashed, IP address established, and connecting to it with a monitor no issue.
On first card, I used the standard image linked from the manual, and then followed the steps here to enable serial port etc. When I did the "[highlight= initial; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, monospace; color: rgb(36, 41, 46); font-size: 13.6px;]curl -sL | bash -" command, nothing happened. 
I then installed the Alphawerk image on the 2nd CM3+ module and when I did that "[highlight= initial; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, monospace; color: rgb(36, 41, 46); font-size: 13.6px;]curl -sL | bash -" command, it seemed to be working as files were downloaded and a lot of updates seemed to be successful. Then it finished with the errors shown in the attached image.
I have mapped a static IP address to the module in my router's settings, and when I went to that address I get a site can't be reached error and the admin page does not load. When I load this page and press the REQ button for 1 second nothing happens (I guess due to the errors in the image?). 
Just in case it's relevant, I used 'pi' as the username and 'raspberry' as the password to login to the CM3+ operating system. And it was a Windows 10 PC I was using to try to load the admin page in Chrome (in case there could be any issues that side).
Is there anything I need to do differently to get the alphawerk resources installed correctly, or is it a server-side connection issue?

Attachment: Errors.jpg (Downloaded 119 times)

Last edited on Saturday Apr 25th, 2020 02:41 pm by OhPinchy

 Posted: Monday Apr 27th, 2020 04:51 am
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Perhap you can ask the question in Slack as most of the discussion anout UCM/Pi is on that platform. are you enrolled?

 Posted: Monday Apr 27th, 2020 08:37 am
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Looks like a networking issue. If you are using two different device on the same IP address, you may have problems as your PC will cache the MAC address of the Pi. When you attach the second Pi, it will have a different MAC address and your PC won't find it as it's looking for the original one.
Try rebooting your PC or assigng a different IP address to the Pi.

 Posted: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 10:42 am
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Turns out there were intermittent Virgin Media connectivity issues affecting my connection. I had statically mapped both CM3+ units to separate IP addresses, but it seemed it was failing due to internet connectivity issues.
Anyways, just wanted to say I went to the alphaWerk Slack site, reviewed the videos there, and after uploading my CCLX file, can now see all my Zones etc. in NodeRed. This is absolutely fantastic, the sheer power, and yet simplicity, of it all is incredible, really looking forward to getting some great automations setup.
I do have an issue with accessing the UCM Eth from Comfigurator, and as it seems to have cropped up only since adding the UCMPi, I wanted to check if it may be related? Both the UCM Eth and UCMPi now have ethernet connections to my LAN, and different IP addresses mapped.
I can still see in Comfort Server Manager my UCM Eth on as always, and ports 1001 and 1002 setup with 02 mins timeout. Ports 1 & 2 are listed as idle, and I have now closed CMS so it is not hanging a port. 
When I try to login, I get a "Login not valid for requested operation" error, which I believe is an indication the PIN code is incorrect. I have 6 users setup and tried the PIN for each and none work (all worked before adding the UCMPi no problem). 
I was getting an issue with failed to connect to UCM the other day also, was intermittently changing from that to login not valid, but now it is exclusively the latter. Hoping there's something simple I'm not doing, rather than a corruption of the user codes?

 Posted: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 11:52 am
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I've just installed an ETH03 alongside my UCM/Pi this morning and it worked fine. Make sure you use port 1001 for the Ehternet and 2001 for the Pi.

 Posted: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 12:16 pm
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This has been moved from Community Forum to UCM/Pi forum

 Posted: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 04:45 pm
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Thanks Sota, where do you set the port for the UCM Pi? In Comfort Server Manager, I see one entry, for the UCM Eth and port 1 is set to 1001, and port 2 is set to 1002 - I usually use one for Comfigurator, the other for the Android app. 
The UCM Pi admin page is http://hostname:1080, any idea where I may need to set the port for the UCM Pi?

 Posted: Sunday May 3rd, 2020 11:57 am
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On the UCM/Pi web page under Admin, Pi, you can enable the ports for UCM Eth Emulation [2001], UCM Human Text Inferface [2002], and UCM Trace [2003]. However, I don't think you can change the port numbers.
You can then commect Comfigurator through the UCM/Pi by changing the address and port under Options, Settings, UCM Connection.

 Posted: Monday May 4th, 2020 10:18 am
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Thanks Sota. I have now enabled you ports for UCM Eth Emulation [2001], UCM Human Text Inferface [2002], and UCM Trace [2003]. Any idea what the last 2 do by the way?
I then went into Comfigurator and into Options->Settings->UCM Connection.
I tried it with Network (Local) and Network (Remote) - doesn't seem to be any difference between those but I tried them both anyway. I set IP address to (which I can ping no problem) and port to 2001.
I still get the "Login not valid for requested operation" error. 


then I went and clicked Reset button on the Comfort main panel (one on the left, one on the right, not sure which one resets what), the UCM board for the UCM Eth, and on the UCM Eth miniboard. I was then able to login via setting Comfigurator back to (the UCM Eth address) - and both port 1001 and 1002 are working. Any ideas on what issue could be arising that needs a reset to fix?
I still cannot connect from Comfigurator via the UCM Pi, and do not see it in Comfort Server Manager (guessing I should not see it as it should be emulating the existing server instance rather than adding a second?). 
Thanks for any pointers - at least I'm now up and running with being able to make edits to Comfort via the UCM Eth and at the same time the UCM Pi is working well and I'm able to start building out my Node Red flows.

 Posted: Monday May 4th, 2020 11:58 am
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Did you set up different UCM Ids for UCM/ETH03 and UCM/PI?If they have the sane ID then both will not work. 

Preferable set UCM/ETH03 as OD=1 and Pi as ID2

 Posted: Wednesday May 6th, 2020 01:35 pm
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My UCMs seem to be polling correctly, and the DIP switches on the UCMPi are set to 5, and it is showing up accordingly after a scan, per the attached screenshot.
I have always had an issue with UCM ID = 1, nothing works when I tried to use it. So I thought it was protected.
The issue has regressed to where it was before I hit the reset button on the Comfort panels - I get an invalid login error when trying to connect via the UCM Eth, and a UCM connection issue when trying to connect via the UCM Pi. So something is up!
I have successfully managed to setup NodeRed and have it detecting events from all >60 nodes, which is fantastic! 
But I cannot get any reading from the AlarmMode or AlarmStatus nodes - I'm guessing that may be related to the same issue with connecting and authenticating via Comfigurator, so really need to resolve this blocker.
If I need to go back and try reset the ID of all UCMs, I can try that, but I lost time on it before and it didn't work so am wary of doing so unless other possibilities are exhausted.

Attachment: UCMs.PNG (Downloaded 78 times)

 Posted: Thursday May 7th, 2020 05:04 am
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This appears lije some sort of bus conflict or comunication problemCan you try Comfort Bus monitor as described here
This monitors all the commuications in ComfortPress the Bus Analyse buttonSave all to a text file and paste it here or send to
Sometimes people have reported a problem exiting from Comfort bus monitor, ie the monitor is still running. If that happens reset or power off the UCM

 Posted: Thursday May 7th, 2020 12:02 pm
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Thanks. I ran Bus Analyse for a few seconds and the text file of the output is attached. 
I had to reset the UCM in order to be able to login in order to run the BusMonitor as it was again giving the invalid login error - seems to work for a while after a reset and then the issue kicks in.

Attachment: BusAnalyse1.txt (Downloaded 1 time)

 Posted: Thursday May 7th, 2020 06:41 pm
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The UCM Pi is now not found, I get a communications error. I did not change anything, just ran the Bus Analyse function, and since then, UCM Pi is unavailable, does not respond to ping, and the LEDs on it are stuck red, indicating error. Hitting all reset buttons on all panels does not change this.
The UCM Eth is now operating smoothly without issue, I can login without issue for first time since installing the UCM Pi, no need to reset the panel frequently as before.
So it seems there is some significant issue at play.
I also had issues with the UCM Zwave - I had that connected an ID set but it just would not be recognised. Just in case that was causing issues, I have disconnected it altogether. I tried changing the dip switches on the UCMPi to another value, but it didn't work. 
Is this all tied back to the issue of UCM 1 not being the UCM Ethernet? Feels like I have had constant issues with UCM recognition over several months and so really need to bottom it out once and for all so any help is appreciated, and I'm happy to reinstall/reconnect all UCMs for a fresh start if that helps (not sure how to connect to create the UCM Eth connection initially though).
I have: UCM Ethernet, UCM GSM, UCM Velbus, UCM Zwave, UCM Pi. 
I am fine to disconnect the UCM Velbus permanently as despite following the manual steps precisely and trying it with the Velbus bus cable connected to my Velbus system at 3 separate points (to rule out wiring/connection issue), and trying it with 2 versions of the firmware, it just never worked properly and I am not convinced there is not a hardware or firmware issue preventing it from doing so.  I've made great progress on the NodeRed side so don't need the Velbus UCM module if I can rely on the Pi as that approach is really excellent to work with. 

I did find that making changes to dip switches on UCMs with both the dip switch and the LED ID options didn't seem to work reliably. Is there any known issues with the dip switches to be aware of, or should that not be an issue?

Attachment: BusAnalyse2.txt (Downloaded 1 time)

 Posted: Thursday May 7th, 2020 06:42 pm
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Current list of recognised UCMs attached. 

Attachment: Capture2.PNG (Downloaded 74 times)

 Posted: Friday May 8th, 2020 04:47 am
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When you change ID using the ID DIP switches, you need to reset the UCM in order to get the new setting in operation. There is no issue with the use of ID switches
Perhaps the UCM/Pi is causing some interference, since you were able to log in after you removed it. The UCM/Pi takes a lot of current so perhaps you should power up the UCM/Pi separately , say from a Slave instead of Comfort or from another 12V supplyThe combined current from Comfort may be too much, as it supplies only 1 Amp

 Posted: Friday May 8th, 2020 10:32 am
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Thanks. Did the bus analysis data provide any insights?
The UCMPi was already connected to a Slave. But as I happened to have separate 12volt power supply nearby, I connected it to that. I disconnected the 4-wire white cable and connected KA and KB to the Slave, and COM and 12v to my separate 12v supply.
Now I cannot log in to Comfort at all.Failed to connect to UCM. I tried it with and without the ethernet cable connected to the UCMPi and no change.
Busy D2 LED on the Pi is constantly red, ERR LED is not currently on. 

 Posted: Friday May 8th, 2020 11:23 am
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the bus monitor results was nirmalIf you disconect UCM/Pi from powetr, can you log in on UCM/ETH03?

 Posted: Friday May 8th, 2020 01:22 pm
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When I disconnected UCMPi from power and KA/KB, I could not login via UCMEth03, but then I hit reset on the UCMEth03 and then I could login no problem.
I then tried reconnecting the UCMPi both with the Pi CM3+ inserted and removed, no change (ethernet cable port LEDs do not light unless CM3+ is installed being the only difference). ERR LED on the UCMPi seems to not come on at first but comes on after a while.
I deleted the UCM Velbus and UCM GSM from Comfigurator and wrote module settings to Comfort, leaving only 1 UCM (General for Eth03) remaining. I can reinstall GSM later when everything else is fixed, and will try Zwave UCM after that, but will try keep it simple for now.
Seems it's best to set UCMEth03 to ID = 1? I moved all dip switches to On, and hit SW1 Reset (on the UCM06 board, not the UCMEth03 daughterboard - is that correct?). I then changed ID for this UCM in Comfigurator to 1, but got the attached error message.
If UCMEth03 having ID=1 is best practice, I'd like to focus on getting that working first as I have a sneaking suspicion there may be some complications caused by not having any UCM set to ID = 1 - could that be an issue or do you feel it's likely irrelevant?

Attachment: Capture3.PNG (Downloaded 72 times)

 Posted: Friday May 8th, 2020 09:30 pm
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Just sharing an update that I tried it again and I did manage to get UCMEth03 recognised on ID =1. It is now the only UCM recognised. UCMPi is connected an dip switch 1 is off, 2-4 are ON, for ID=2. But it's not recognised.
In the morning, I'll get a monitor and HDMI cable and correct to the UCMPi directly just to ensure the RaspberryPi is functioning as it was before UCM dropped off the Comfort system (i.e. to rule out there being some form of corruption there).
After that, I'm not sure what else to try, so all ideas welcome!

Attachment: Capture4.PNG (Downloaded 69 times)

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