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Comfort 2nd Generation Android App v1.5
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 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:25 am
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 The new version 1.5 of the Comfort App for Android Phone and Tablet  is now available in the Play Store. Search for "Cytech Comfort". Note that there are separate apps for Android Phone and Android Tablet.

The Tablet app works the same way as the Phone app, except that the Tablet is able to see more of the Control menu on the same page.

Equipment Requirement
  • UCM/Eth03 Firmware 7.048 or above
  • Comfort Firmware Version 7.074 or above
  • Eth03 Firmware 2.12 or above
  • Android OS 4.0 and above
Improvements (1.5)
  • Reduced the time for updating of the Control Menu Feedback. This may have contributed to the slow response time reported by some users

Improvements (1.4)
  • Reduce the time in connecting to the system. The previous version may take some time when trying to connect.
  • Fix bug which caused slider bar in the control menu to cause the app to hang
New Features (1.4)
  • Editable Background in App
  • Editable Control icons in Control Menu
  • Add "Control Only" function to hide Alarm functions for Automation only applications
  • Add Shortcut key "Local" and "Remote" in the login page so that it can be selected without going into Setup

Last edited on Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:26 am by admin

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:26 am
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How to change background

Click "Setup" on picture 1, then click the spanner icon (circled) located on top left corner on picture 2.

In picture 3 below, you will see "Change/Delete Background". "Delete Background" is to delete the current background. If you do not select a new background, the default background will be applied.  "Change Background"  selects a picture from the gallery as the new background. See picture 4 below.

After selecting the photo, you can crop the photo as shown below. Click Done when you have  finished.

Click OK >> Update >> Done to save the configuration. You will see the new background.

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:27 am
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How to change icons in the Control menu

Click "Setup" on picture 1, then click the spanner icon (circled in red) located on top left corner on picture 2 below.

Click"Setup Control Icon" on picture 3 and choose the  icon you want to change in picture 4. We will change the icon of Porch light as an example.

Once you click the icon of porch light, it will jump to picture 5. Choose one of the icons. Click the exit button (circled) on picture 6 to save the icon.

Click OK>>Update>>Done to save the configuration.

You wil be able to the new  icon for Porch light.

"Control Only" Option

The "Control Only" function can be found by clicking "Setup" on picture 1, then click the spanner icon(red circled) located on top left corner on picture 2.

If you check the "Control Only" box, it means once you log in, you will go to the Control menu page. The other pages like Dashboard or Camera will  not be seen. 

Last edited on Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:27 am by admin

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:28 am
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The programming is done in  Comfigurator. The whole process is divided into  2 parts.

Set up your Android Phone

You must ensure that your Phone is connected to the same WiFi network as your Comfort  UCM/Eth03. If you connect to the wrong network you will not only fail to connect but will experience temporary lack of response from the App while it tries to connect to a system that is not there.

By connecting your Comfort system to a WiFi network you are potentially opening up a security vulnerability. Ensure that your Wifi network uses the highest level of  security which is appropriate. Accessing Comfort from the Internet exposes the system to additional vulnerabilities. 
UCM/ETH03 allows you to select 2 ports for simultaneous connection using Comfort Server Manager
For UCM/ETH03, see instructions at

Import your cclx file to the App

The zones and Control Menu programmed by Comfigurator are saved as a .cclx file.
The IP Addresses for Local and Internet are also taken from the cclx file.

In Comfigurator, go to File >> Convert cclx file for iOS/Android app

The web link for conversion is also found at

The conversion website is shown below.

Enter your name in the first box. 
Enter an email address that you can access on your phone. This must be an  email client and NOT webmail using a browser
Browse to select  your cclx file (programming file)
Select "Android" as Target.
Press "UPLOAD FILE" when done.

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:29 am
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Next, in your Email Client, open the email with the title "Comfort Conversion Service". There is an attachment with the extension .jrlccip eg myhome.jrlccip
This is the same name as your cclx file except the extension is changed to jrlcccip.


Open the attachment by tapping on it, there will be a pop up box "Complete action Using.."

 Select "Comfort Mobile".
Note the "Comfort Tablet " is a separate app for Tablets

Then select the configuration to use, click "Default" or another profile name that you have added

Last edited on Tuesday Jul 14th, 2015 07:32 am by

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:29 am
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Open the App. The log in screen is shown below.

The buttons "Local, Remote" will allow you to switch between "Local" and "Remote" without entering Setup page.

Take note of the text "Connected" below the setup and log-in buttons.
"Connected" means that the app is able to connect to the UCM/ETH03. The Login button can be selected only if the status is "Connected"

The profile selected is also shown below and local or Remote connection.
eg "Home@local" or "Office@Remote

If it is not able to connect,  the status will show "connecting.." or "not connected" or "data error". "Connecting" means the port is busy ie there is another connection or there is a network problem. "Data Error" probably means that IP address is incorrect

Press the Setup button to go into the setup page.

The IP Addresses and Port numbers for Local and Remote are taken from the cclx file. You can change the IP addresses and port here, or preferably enter these in Comfigurator and re-export into the app.

Select either Local or Remote.
"Local" means you are connected by wifi to the same network as the UCM/ETH03
"Remote" means you are connected by Internet. This requires port forwarding on your router.

The password can be  saved (under "" above). If the password is saved here, you will not be required to enter password when you press log in button in LOCAL mode. In Internet mode, you will be required to enter the password.

You can go to Camera Setup page by clicking "Camera" icon (circled in red) on the setup page.

On the Camera side,  select "InApp", "Basic", or Pro"
InApp means you can view the camera inside the app provided the camera is in the list of models supported. More cameras wil be added for in app support in future

"Basic" and "Pro" means that one of the  3rd party apps IP Camviewer Basic (free) or IP Camviewer Pro (paid) are used to set up and show the camera. This means that the 3rd party app will take control when you wish to view one of the cameras.

If you select InApp, up to 4 IP cameras can be set up. Select the Camera 1 to 4 and  select the Brand and Model from the drop down list.  Note that there is a limited set of cameras which are suported in App.

Enter the IP address and Port of the IP camera, and the user name and password for the IP Camera. Check  the box "Follow Comforts Remote setting" if the Internet IP address for the camera is the same as that of Comfort (which is normally the case unless the camera is on another network or another site). You can view "Follow Comforts Remote setting" by scrolling down the camera setup page.
Then press "Update>>Done" to finish setup.

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:30 am
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If you do not save your password in setup, when you press log in, you are required to enter your password when connected in LOCAL mode

Slide to the left on the Dashboard page above to view the Zone Status and Alert Status pages

Tap on the button "Security Off" on the top of the page to arm or disarm.

 Posted: Saturday Jun 6th, 2015 09:31 am
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Tap Control on the top menu to go to the control page, where you can see the state of your lights and appliances on the Control Menu

See for instructions on how to program the Control Menu in Comfigurator.

Tap the Camera icon on the top to go to  the camera page.
Choose the camera name, eg Axis below.

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