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 Posted: Friday Apr 8th, 2011 11:37 am
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I am looking to buy my system in the next couple of weeks and want help to make sure I have covered everything needed.

I will have

2  x Door contacts

2 External PIR's

9 internal PIR's

1 smoke sensor

I have determined that to operate this and to integrate with C-Bus I will need the following:

1 X CP9000-ULT/ EN03

1 X LEm02-M2

2 X DPo3X-WI

1 X RGR05

2 X KP04-AL


1 X UCM/Ethernet

1 X RLY01 (to operate 3 door releases and 1 volt free contact for boiler)

Please can you let me know if this looks right or am I missing anything such as extra enclosures for the modules

I also have a central location where IR is routed and would like to utilise a remote for C-Bus what is the cheapest way to do this?


Thanks for all the help and if you know the best place to buy this in order to keep the cost down I look forward to your suggestions

 Posted: Saturday Apr 9th, 2011 10:39 am
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The DP03-X  white plastic door station requires a DM02 Door station interface module. 
For better audio performance and water resistance I suggest a DS01/A aluminium door station in place of the DP03X although it will be more expensive.

The KT03 touchscreen keypad may be a good aletrnative for one of the keypads, see

There are sufficient inputs and outputs for your requirements as CP9000 and LEM02 will provide 16 inputs and 8 outputs
The EN03 enclosure has 2 addtional mounting locations for 2 UCM size modules
RGR05 and LEM can be mounted on top of the Comfort PCB. but it may be tight with the RLY01. So perhaps another enclosure may be needed for future expansion

A list of UK distributors can be found on our website

The RC01 can be used to send commands to Comfort IR01 connected to a RIO or to a keypad

 Posted: Saturday Apr 9th, 2011 01:17 pm
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Thanks for the reply, I'm almost at the top of my budget and whilst I like the suggestions you have made unless it is absolutely neccesary I cannot afford to get it.

If I go for DP03-WI: Door Station do I still require a DM02?

Also in regards to IR I can find an IRR01 is this the same?

Also what extra enclosure would you recommend?

 Posted: Saturday Apr 9th, 2011 01:43 pm
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DP03-WI (without X) does not require a DM02

IRR01 is an IR Receiver, but it needs to be connected to an RIO input to receive IR signals. It cannot work with Comfort, LEM or SEM inputs.
However this accepts only Comfort IR codes that are sent from an RC01 remote control or learned by a Pronto or other universal Remote Control

Comfort does not distribute IR signals from other sources. The Comfort IR codes trigger IR received Responses in Comfort

 Posted: Saturday Apr 9th, 2011 05:29 pm
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Thanks, any suggestions on what other enclosure to get? also do they still do the unibox? As I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Thanks for all the help

 Posted: Sunday Apr 10th, 2011 04:16 am
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Unibox is no longer available. It was sold by another distributor
The EN01 is a slightly smalller enclosure than the EN03 but stil quite large, 310 x 350 x 95 mm

Another alternative is to piggy back two UCMs on top of each other using metal standoff screws

 Posted: Monday Nov 19th, 2012 02:02 pm
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Hi Sorry,

I know that this is an old topic, I am now in possesion of most of the parts.

I have decided to use the Fermax Citymax door station but I have 2 questions.

1) does the DMO2 control two door stations or do I need 2 DMO2?

2) Does the control panel supply the power to the doorstation and lock release or do I need to use Fermax's Power supply?

 Posted: Tuesday Nov 20th, 2012 02:29 am
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DM02 will control 1 Door station only, so you need 1 DM02 per fermax

The DM02 will control the lock release but it does not supply power. You need a full set of Fermax including the power supply. Comfort taps into the audio, the doorbell button and lock release

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