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Using an ADSL filter
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 Posted: Friday May 1st, 2009 09:15 pm
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Joined: Friday May 1st, 2009
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I am going to be buying my comfort alarm soon and am currently running all the wire in my house, I have done the research on comfort and it says that it can be used on ADSL as long as I use a splitter, does this splitter go on the main socket then an extension runs to Comfort or does the splitter go on the Extension socket after Comfort?

If it goes on the master I presume this would mean that the line to Comfort can be disconnected which is not ideal. I'm sure somebody he will correct me and tell me the right way it is wired.

Also I have seen in the instructions that if I am using ADSL I do not need the ringer module is this right?


Thanks for the help



 Posted: Saturday May 2nd, 2009 02:43 am
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Figure 2.7 shown from the Installation Manual show correct the connection for ADSL
You need to connect the ADSL Modem  directly to the telephone line. A microfilter, not a splitter should go between the modem and Comfort TEL IN.
All the phones in the house should be connected to TEL OUT in Comfort. This ensures that Comfort can always take control of the telephone line to dial out

You do need the Ringer RGR04 regardless of whether you have ADSL. The Ringer rings the local phones and so is not related to the use of ADSL. Where did you find that instructionh?

Attachment: ADSL.jpg (Downloaded 41 times)

 Posted: Saturday May 2nd, 2009 08:33 am
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Thanks for the quick response, I may have got is mixed up and red an instruction for ISDN or something. In regards to this diagram does it show that the ADSL modem connects to the master socket? and the microfilter goes after this to filter out ADSL? does this mean that I can still run an extension from the master socket and for comfort and the ADSL will not interfere with it?


Thanks for your help

 Posted: Sunday May 3rd, 2009 03:39 am
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The diagram is not specifically for the UK, but for other countries which do not have the Master Socket with the extra ringer wire.
In the UK, connection of ADSL to the telephone wiring should follow established principles which can be found elsewhere eg It looks like the splitter and filter can be fitted onto the faceplate on your master socket.
The important thing to remember is the Comfort should be on the analog (voice) path  of the splitter and all telephones and fax machines should be connected to TEL OUT of Comfort

 Posted: Sunday May 3rd, 2009 08:06 am
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Joined: Friday May 1st, 2009
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Thanks for your help I understand now

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