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Dialing to Central Alarm Monitoring Systems
 Moderated by: slychiu
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 Posted: Thursday Jan 16th, 2025 11:35 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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You must have an account with a Central Alarm Monitoring System company.

They will give  2 phone numbers for their Alarm Receiver, and an account number which is minimum 4 digits. This account number identifies the customer and Site.  

In Alarms >Phone numbers, only the 1st 2 phones 1 and 2 can be assigned to CMS (Central Monitoring System). Phones 3 to 8 can be assigned to others eg Voice Phone and SMS (if there is GSM Module. 

In Alarms, > CMS, enter the Account code that has been assigned to your site for both CMS phone numbers. The same account number is normally used for both sets.

Two way Voice should be unchecked as it is not used. Format MUST be 13- Contat ID which is the standard communications format for CMS

Make sure each Alarm Type that is reported to the CMS has phones 1 and 2 checked in the checkboxes.

To test press F3,3 on the keypad. This starts a dial out to the 2 CMS numbers. You will hear the dialing tones and DTMF tones that are send to the CMS which ends with a kissoff tone from the CMS, followed by Comfort hanging up the phone.  Dial Test is a very useful feature that is unique to Comfort  as it lets you know the progress or success or failure of the CMS dialout, eg the CMS line may be busy where you will hear the busy tone

call the CMS operator to check that they received a TEST message.

Last edited on Thursday Jan 16th, 2025 11:45 am by slychiu

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