Posted: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015 02:39 pm |
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I have a new KP06 which has been installed no more than 6 months. It behaved perfectly for the first several months, then one day I happened to notice the LCD text had disappeared. the KP worked fine in every other respect... the LCD backlight comes on when it should, the voice works, the keypad works, it can be used to sign-in & access them menus etc. but not a single thing was displayed on the LCD... just blank...
After playing around with this for a while, I observed the condition could be reset by one of 2 methods... pulling the front bezel away, thus disconnecting the LCD module from the connector block - however this caused an immediate tamper alarm... or subsequently I discovered (because it happened again a while later) that just doing a system reset from Comfigurator would also return things to normal.
The first time it happened, I hoped it was just a 'glitch' since it was a fairly newly installed system... however, after recovering the LCD function, it was fine for several more weeks, then the same thing happened again. I have recently noticed it seems to happening with increasing frequency... Seems like now I am having to do a system reset every few days or so to recover the LCD display.
I have a KP04 in another location that does not suffer the same issue.
Is there a specific fault with this individual KP06, or is there perhaps a firmware bug causing this? - I don't suspect a hardware fault because it can be so easily restored to operation by a system reset, which tends to make me more suspicious of a software issue...
Anyone else ever seen a similar symptom?
Paul G.
Posted: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015 02:43 pm |
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Update: I *just* noticed a KP06 firmware update to 6.010 which I am applying now (I was on 6.009).
I haven't seen the release notes yet, (will go & look for those now) so I don't know if anything in the upgrade addresses this, but fingers crossed, & I will wait & see..
Posted: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015 04:12 pm |
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The tamper alarm can be disabled by a setting in the KP06 (press and hold *)
Perhaps the LCD module is not fully inserted? If it is a little out, the lcd goes blank
anyway try the firmware upgrade
Posted: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015 05:46 pm |
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Thanks Chiu. I see there's nothing specifically mentioned about any possible bug fixes in the release notes for the new firmware, but I have uploaded it & I will see what happens.
I don't think the cause is improper seating of the module on the connector... I have pressed it fully down, and as part of the troubleshooting of this I have removed it fully & re-seated it once or twice, always being firm (but fair!) when pressing it down. Also, no physical intervention is required to 'cure' the display issue - for several days at least - just a system reset puts it back to normal.
Is there any possibility it could be related to the fact that I am turning the LCD backlight on & off very frequently - I have it in a PIR response so that the backlight is on whenever anyone walks by the keypad - I found that with the backlight off, the keypad text wasn't easily visible & couldn't be read 'at a glance' when just walking past the keypad, - which I am inclined to do just to check all is well...
Paul G.
Posted: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015 05:51 pm |
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We will try what you have done, ie turn on the backlight when there is motion, to see if we can get the same problem
Posted: Friday Mar 13th, 2015 01:24 pm |
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Well, I *was* about to post again to say that it looked quite like the 'bug' (?) was fixed... I applied the new FW a couple of weeks ago, following which I was doing a fair bit of response testing so I was doing lots of config uploads & system resets, so I couldn't really say how the KP was behaving WRT the display problem. However, testing finished a couple of weeks ago, and the system has been running uninterrupted for the last 2 weeks or so, during which time I've been keeping an eye on the KP LCD. All was looking well, several weeks passed, no sign of the fault recurring... so I had almost come to the conclusion that it was fixed... but then this very morning, I come downstairs to find once more a totally blank LCD on the KP06... :-(
So clearly still an issue...
Has anyone else ever reported a similar problem? Is this an isolated issue for me?
Could I potentially work around it by running a system reset in a scheduled response? I see there is a System Reset action... If I run this in a response periodically will it have any adverse effect? I think the arm mode will persist across a reset yes? - so no problem having the reset run whilst I'm away on vacation for example?
What about the default voice announcement on the KP? - If I schedule a reset in the wee small hours of the morning I wouldn't particularly want any announcement to be spoken on the KP in case it wakes sleeping family members etc...
Paul G.
Posted: Friday Mar 13th, 2015 04:33 pm |
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I have tested a KP06 which turns on backlight when the PIR detects motion at the time of my last reply and I have not encountered the same problem so it is a mystery why yours does that
You can so an individual Reset of the keypad without having to reset Comfort
action Miscellaneous > Reset Module > select Keypad ID
Attachment: resetKP.jpg (Downloaded 22 times)
Posted: Friday Mar 13th, 2015 07:13 pm |
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ahh.. good to know... I think perhaps I'll schedule that to happen every night then... may not fix the underlying problem, but good enough as a workaround...
Paul G.
Posted: Monday Mar 16th, 2015 07:20 pm |
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It's really weird... as I mentioned above, it went for about 2 weeks without once exhibiting the "fault", but then it did it 3 times in one day...
Anyhoo, the keypad reset also fixes the issue, so I've added that into the hourly response... - I was going to do it less frequently, but after yesterday when it went blank 3 times during the course of one day, a less frequent reset may well have left it blank for long periods.
I note the KP reset emits a beep from the keypad, but I'm kinda happy with a beep on the hour every hour... will have to see if it's too disturbing to have beeping through the night...
Paul G.
Posted: Tuesday Mar 17th, 2015 06:07 pm |
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You can put a condition into the hourly response eg IF Hours > 22 then exit to prevent it from doing it late at night