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Keypad Communications Errors
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 Posted: Monday Mar 12th, 2012 03:11 pm
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The Comfort  Keypads have the following behaviour when there is a communications error with Comfort

If there is no communications from Comfort, perhaps due to a Bus fault,  all keypads (including KP01 and KP03 nondisplay keypads) will beep continuously. The beeping will stop once a key has been pressed on the keypad. Hence if all keypads beep, it means that the whole bus is down. If only one keypad beeps continuously it means that only the communications to that keypad is down, in which case check the keypad KA/KB wiring, ir it may be a keypad fault.

For LCD keypads (KP04, KP05, KP06)
If a communications failure occurs during normal operation, the LCD will show "Communication failure", "Keypad x" (where x is the keypad ID 1 to 8), so different Keypads will show different IDs on the LCD.

If communications failure is found on power on, the LCD keypad will display its own ID  and version (ie. "ID#x", similar to pressing '#'&'9' keys). 

If there is Bus Communications from Comfort but the keypad ID is not polled, due to the ID set higher than the Number of Keypads in Comfigurator Modules and Settings, there will not be beeping. When keys on the keypad are pressed after 9 keypresses, there will be no "beep" tone when subsequent keys are pressed. This shows that ther keypad has not been polled.


Last edited on Thursday Jan 21st, 2021 06:47 am by

 Posted: Saturday May 24th, 2014 01:41 am
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Joined: Friday May 23rd, 2014
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how can i solve the tamper Alarm error on comfort home security .( the intelligen home system )

 Posted: Saturday May 24th, 2014 07:11 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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Can you start a new Post on your problem,
and explain exactly what is the "Tamper Error" and when it happens

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