View single post by ident
 Posted: Friday Jan 28th, 2011 01:36 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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I have tested the PanormosComfort cclx file that you sent
The KNX Group address shown in the screenshot with Group address 0/4/2 is mapped to sensor KNX_INT_TEMP ie sensor 6

Sensor 6 is not used as a feedback in any control menu so we cannot check what sensor you are hearing for the temperature

When a Floating point object is mapped to a Comfort sensor, it is converted to a 1 byte value o to 255, so 19.5 degrees is saved as 19 in Sensor 6.  Hence the announcement should be the temperature is 19

It is not possible to read "one thousand one hundred and fifty eight"  from a sensor which is a 1 byte value which has a maximum value of 255

Can you clarify how you hear that number "one thousand one hundred and fifty eight" ? Which control keys are you pressing?

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