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 Posted: Sunday Oct 10th, 2010 12:25 pm
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The instructions here refer to KT03 Firmware 7.069 with Comfigurator 3.10.3 and above
KT03 Properties

Select the KT03 in the left pane. The KT03 pages can be seen in the centre pane as shown below

In the KT03 System Properties section, the following properties are shown;
This is the ID of the KT03 (read Only)

Select On or Off for the beep sounds when a button is pressed on KT03

Select On or Off to enable/disable the KT03 Speaker. Set off for no sounds from the KT03

Select On or Off to enable/disable Announcements on KT03, eg Security armed or disarmed, alarm announcements, and open zones during arming. If announcements are disabled, they will be automatically enabled when a full alarm is activated, and disabled after the system is disarmed.

Screen Timeout
This is the timeout for the screen to turn off if the KT03 is not touched

Select On or Off to enable/disable the KT03 screen backlight

IR Receive
Select On or Off to enable/disable the IR receive port (only available with the translucent black frame).

Speaker Internal/External
Select Internal for normal KT03 speaker, External to enable the external audio connection at the back of the KT03 to be connected to an external amplifier

Select On or Off to enable/disable the Internal Tamper alarm when the KT03 is removed from the base

These system properties were formerly accessed from the SETUP screen of the KT03 only instead of in Comfigurator
Applicable in KT03 firmware 7.069 and Comfigurator 3.10.3

Last edited on Sunday May 24th, 2015 12:09 pm by

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