View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Aug 26th, 2010 02:28 pm
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Apologies for my poor explanation
The IR data is saved as an .IFR file in the IFR library in Comfigurator. This is an encoded file, so the Encoding function is needed to convert it from the raw format to the ifr format
The message the the code needs x bytes means that the encoded file requires this number of bytes. This may be useful because the number of IR codes selected in the IR Transmit Codes in Configuration. Each code has a "bytes" property which is the number of encoded bytes needed. Hence if you have a lot of IR codes the number of bytes may exceed the limit allowed in Comfort.

Hence in IR Learner is you have a messgae that the signal has been encoded and it needs a number of bytes it means it has been successful

The next step is to select the new IR signal in IR transmit codes to be used. Then make a new action of send the IR Code to an output.

Have you managed to send an IR signal successfully before or is this your first attempt?

I hope this is clearer. We should have a tutorail on this

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