View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Wednesday May 17th, 2006 02:41 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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If you hear this message when trying to arm the system, there are two possibilities;

  • There was a previous attempt to arm which was not succcessful due to time out or a zone being left open, causing an "Arm Fail" alarm.
    After an Arm Fail alarm the system needs to be disarmed before tryting to arm again. Just enter the user code on the keypad to disarm. This will allow you to arm again
  • The other reason could be a programmed setting which requires the Installer "Engineer" to "reset" your system after an alarm has occured.
    This is due to Action 20 (require Engineer Reset) called in an Alarm Response.
    Phyically Resettting the system does NOT clear the "Engineer Reset" message. This may be required for certain monitored installations in the UK. The "Engineer" has to enter the Engineer Code in order to allow the system to be "Reset", ie to arm the system.
  • The backup battery is low, giving a low battery warning. This prevents the system from beong armed and gives the message if the setting "Allow Low Bbattery to Arm" is not enabled

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