View single post by admin
 Posted: Thursday May 13th, 2010 11:24 am
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Joined: Saturday Mar 3rd, 2007
Location: Singapore
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Day mode is designed for internal zones ie PIRs disabled so that you can move around freely within the house while the perimeter zones are  active, although you can change the default settings. To arm to any night or day mode with active PIRs around would likely cause false alarms, because even if you force arm, zones which close  automatically become active, ie able to trigger an alarm

While you would like to have the new zone not to be announced immediately in your home with 64 zones, unfortunately it may not suit other users who find that behavious useful especially if only a few zones are likely to be open during arming - it provides assurance that the zone is really detected without having to wait till the end

Perhaps you can use Security Check instead (F3,2  on the keypad) which announces all already open zones first, then when it has finished, announces any zones which become open

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