View single post by Richie
 Posted: Tuesday Jan 20th, 2009 06:31 pm
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Joined: Tuesday Jan 20th, 2009
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Quick question regarding the serial command interface.

Is it ok to spam out multiple DA's or should we be waiting for an RA before sending the next DA? (we are using an ethernet interface).

Reason I ask, is that I am having some issues when sending 5 or so DA's back to back without waiting.  Sometimes comfort acts on them, sometimes it does not.

The DA's are related to counters and the cbus interface.  For example the following is sent out...


and we get a random number of RA's and CT's back.  The number of RA's do not match the number of DA's sent.  However the number of RA's match the number of CT's.  A sample return is shown below...


Also, the spec document mentions the following as the byte return value for the RA.

"Note: The returned value may not necessarily be meaningful."

What exactly does this mean? I guess it is for actions that have no meaningful return value.




Last edited on Tuesday Jan 20th, 2009 06:33 pm by Richie

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