View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Mar 15th, 2008 03:29 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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When the doorbell (DP03) is pressed, the internal phones ring (RGR04 is needed) and the keypads chime.
You can record a message to play on the door station when the doorbell is pressed.

First create a Response

Select Keypad > Reminder Message on Keypad, Door station or UCM

Select Reminder Message 7 and All keypads and Door stations

This means play Reminder message 7 on all keypads and door sttaions
Or any specific keypad or Door station may be specified.

Next record a Reminder Message (7 in this example) in user menu 2,5 - enter 7# for reminder 7, then 4 for message, press 1 to record the message.  Use an internal phone for better recording clarity. Press 2 to hear the recorded message.
This reminder should not be enabled on the Reminders screen as you do not want the reminder to play at a scheduled time.

In Event > Miscellaneous Events > Doorbell Response, select the Response that you have created.

Now test by pressing the Doorbell. The announcement should be heard on the doorbell/keypads

Instead of a reminder, the Say Words action can also be used. This plays words from
the word list instead of a recorded message

If you want the announcement to be heard on the telephone so that anybody using the phone can hear, go to Modules and Settings and check the biox "Hear Announcements on telephone". Note that this will cause all announcements to be heard on the phone momentarily (eg zone announcements)

Last edited on Wednesday Dec 24th, 2014 11:35 am by slychiu

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