View single post by RobGG
 Posted: Tuesday Sep 26th, 2023 02:32 am
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Joined: Wednesday Oct 21st, 2020
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The "Away" mode works well now, advice to mobiles and Skype.  I am concerned when we are at home.
The "door station" on our front gate chimes (at the front gate) but there is no "ring" on the landline phone or any indication on either of the two internal keypads.  I seem to remember that we could talk from a keypad to the front gate? We could talk from a landline phone and also open front gate and front door (but not now).

We have (more or less) moved away from using landline phones. The landline is only used to respond to the front gate.  So I was wondering mobile phones could take this over? If not we will stay with the landline.

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