View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Monday Jun 4th, 2018 02:57 am
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The event log should show the dialing attempt as well the successful acknowledgement of the SMS by the mobile network provider
egDial Number #3 means there was a dial out to phone 3. This may be Voice Phone or SMSIf the selected phone is an SMS Phone Type then the next event should be "Remote Signin - User # SMS Acknowledge". That shows that the message was deleivered, not that you received the message, as there may be delays through the SMS network.
If the SMS fails to send there should be "SMS Dial Failure". Comfort will resend up to 5 times . SMS Dial Failure #89 - you can ignore the #89 or other numbers. The evemt log listing has to incliude a number parameter but in the case of SMS Dial Failure a random number appears. So just treat them as SMS Dial Failiure. We may change that in the future version of Comfigurator

05/15 17:49 Mode Change # Away Mode
05/15 17:49 Dial Number # 3
05/15 17:49 Remote Signin - User # SMS Acknowledge
05/16 07:31 Zone Activation # StoreMainDoor (33)

If you dial the GSM number and there is silence, it could be that the 5 way audio cable was not connected betwen the GSM and Comfort PCB in the first place. I wonder if you have tried to dial before?
Try a remote reset from Comfigurator  using Transfer > Reset System

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