View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Jun 2nd, 2018 02:17 am
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When a zone opens and causes an alarm it will dial to the programed phonbe numbers for that alarm type (normally Intruder Alarm). If the zone (eg door or window) closes and opens again, it will cause another alarm and another dial out. If the cause is a window or door which is not properly closed and repeatedly closes and opens multiple alarms and dial outs will happen.

To prevent repeated activation of a zone from causing multiple dialouts, set the Zone Autoshunt Count accordingly see below screen. 0 means once the zone is activated and causes an alarm further activation of the zone ie close and open again will not cause any more dial outs. Default setting is 3

Last edited on Saturday Jun 2nd, 2018 02:20 am by slychiu

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