View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Tuesday Apr 10th, 2018 04:25 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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You mean you have a Universal UCM with the Device to Comfort in which you have entered a string that is sent by the external system

This is mapped to a number of Comfort register Types eg Counter, sensor or Response. Mapping to Response works but is not recommended because when you edit responses, the Response number may change so you have to keep synchronising by Writing to Comfort and writing to UCM
I suggest to map to Counter which triggers a Counter Response which does not need to be synchronised.

In the Counter Response, Do Response X after 300 seconds using a Timer, ie Start a Timer which will trigger Response X when the timer expires.

Response X is activated after 300 seconds unless another message is received from the Universal UCM, which causes the Counter Response to run again which restarts the Timer for 300 secs. hence Response X will only activate if no message is received in 300 seconds

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