View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Sunday Aug 27th, 2017 09:21 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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IRIO Firmware 7.008
Bugs Fixed
  1. Fixed Dimmer to report counter.
  2. Fixed bug -Blinds AC function's down relay fails to switch off.  This is if feedback counter is assigned and it affects submodule 2 only.
  3. Fixed wrong input number reported, when Register Type is set to “Input” for “Digital Input”
New Features
  1. For Blinds AC function, extend “ignore current sensing” duration from 250ms to 1000ms. This is to compensate for hardware slow detection of low current motors.
  2. For Blinds AC function, LED is added to indicate current detection status.  The LED is turned on if current is detected.
  3. Support new “Calibration offset” parameter of Temperature Sensor input function.
  4. Input function Support of new “Virtual Input” register type, for various input functions.
  5. Supports new ISM08  submodule functions.

New Features require Comfigurator 3.11.14 and above

Last edited on Saturday Nov 4th, 2017 10:52 am by slychiu

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