View single post by Ian
 Posted: Wednesday Jun 21st, 2017 05:19 pm
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Joined: Saturday Aug 19th, 2006
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 249

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I have a Comfort II and am doing some reconfiguration.I want to Force Arm (arm the system with open zones) using a response. I have had this working in the past but not at the moment.I am using the response ForceArm, the underlying codes being 17, 255I have 'Allow Force Arm' ticked as Yes in Security Configuration Flags.If I execute the response nothing happens.The I/o monitor shows;>
< LU01
> DT
< DT2016112900313300
> EL
> f?00
> Y?
> Z?
> z?
> M?
> K?
> a?
> DA11FF
< f?000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
< Y?0000
< Z?250000
< z?000000000000000000000000000000
< M?0001
< KL00010000
< a?000000000000000000
< RA0000
Any suggestions as to why this isn't working?

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