View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Tuesday Mar 28th, 2017 06:20 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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An Entry Door is a Zone Type that you assign to the Front and Back doors or other doors that are used for entry and exit to the property
When leaving the property the occupant must exit through the Entry Door in order to Arm the system to Away Mode. (Leaving the house is not necessary in Night or Day Modes)
When the system is armed, opening the Entry Door will cause an Entry Alert to start - this is the delay to disarm the system by the keypad, before the Intruder Alarm is activated

An Entry Path is a property (checkbox) on a Zone, it is not a Zone Type. An Entry Path is normally a PIR (motion sensor) which is in the same area as the Entry door, which the user must cross while entering and exiting the property. The Entry Path is normally a PIR Away or PIR Away/Night zone Type or Alert Zone Type.

When entering the house, an entry Path zone will not cause an Alarm if the Entry door is opened first. If an Entry Path zone is detected without an Entry door open first, there will be an immediate alarm.

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