View single post by Craig Robins
 Posted: Monday Jan 9th, 2017 08:07 pm
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Craig Robins


Joined: Monday Mar 3rd, 2014
Posts: 43

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This has certainly fixed the date issue on the keypads. However, it has not done so for the C-Bus edlts in my set-up.

With V2.20 the date and time would be correct on the edlts after a manual setting of Comfort date/time, as would the keypads, but both would jump forward a day on the next automatic update from the UCM/ETH03. With V2.22 the keypads are now correct but the date on the edlts has stayed 1 day ahead, even following a manual setting of Comfort date/time.

To verify this was an issue with the new firmware, I downgraded to V2.20 and found I could now manually change the date on the edlts as before. I immediately upgraded to V2.22 again and waited to see what would happen on the next automatically date/time change from the UCM. The date on the edlt was unaffected. The logical conclusion is that the new firmware is not sending the updates to C-Bus at all, just Comfort.

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