View single post by slychiu | ||||||||||
Posted: Sunday Dec 25th, 2016 07:47 am |
0-10V Outputs This sets the properties of the two 0-10 V dimmer outputs which can be assigned to any channel. 0-10V Dimmer Full Scale Level 255 or 99 are the 2 possible values for counter mapping. The full scale value set to the counter will set the analog output to full scale (10V). If the counter value is higher than the full scale value, the analog output will be limited to 10V. 0-10V Dimmer Output Travel Time Time taken to fully dim or brighten 0-10V outputs (0-254 seconds) 0-10V Dimmer On Level 0-10V Output On to full level or On to last Level 0-10V Dimmer Min Dim Level If > 0, the dimming level will not go below this value when dimmed by pressing the Input dimmer switch. When controlled by Counter, a counter value of 0 will switch off, but value of 1 to Minimum dimming level will set the level to Min Dimming level SCENES A scene is a combination of lights that are switched On and Off including the dim levels of the 0-10V outputs. This applies to ELV switch channels only. The meaning of the Scenes are as follows; Welcome Scene This is triggered by keycard or Occupancy status. Select the Lights that should be switched on and off. Master On Scene Select the lights that are to be switched on and off when the Master switch is turned on. Input State = Normally Open, Momentary Master Off Scene Select the lights that are to be switched on and off when the master switch is turned off. Power Reset Select the channels that are to be switched on and off when there is power reset. See “Effect of Power Reset†below. Scenes 1 to 4 4 programmable scenes are available. For each scene, select the ELV channels/lights that are switched on and off. Toilet Occupancy Scene Select the lights that are to be switched on for toilet occupancy detection using the Toilet PIR sensor. Other lights not selected are not affected Effect of Power Reset When power is switched on to the HIO, if keycard is enabled, if the keycard is inserted the keycard and Secondary Relay output (if defined) are turned on. Select which ELV lights are to be turned on in Power Reset setting. This happens after a power failure and power is restored. If Keycard is not enabled, turn on ELV lights in Power Reset Scene. Start Lighting Occupancy Timers which will turn off the respective outputs if PIR does not detect motion. Last edited on Sunday Dec 25th, 2016 07:53 am by slychiu |